Retrieving pattern in a context of sustainable tourism


Codes of traditional and un-desecrated landscape are priceless values of a country – a society. They represent continuum and catholicity, and because of that they are absolute value, which should be brought up in a function of improvement, so it can become significant element of development, progress and part of broader network. When this values experience collapse or they are brought up to misbalance, it leads to creating of space in which pattern of place can easily disappear. Pattern or matrix which witnesses on existing of urban typology and continuum of settlement is extremely important for every society. Bosnia and Herzegovina, country with rich, but in the same time complicated past, is with latest war brought in state of disappearance of certain patterns. Taking in count importance and necessity of bringing back the patterns in space, it was essential to find appropriate course and strategies, which will hold retrieved matrix stable.Peer Reviewe

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Last time updated on 16/06/2016

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