

The storability of different bulb or neck diameter of garlic bulbs (Allium sativum Lin.) was investigated. Set 12.6 ± 1.7 mm, 10.8 ± 1.9 mm or 8.3 ± 0.9 mm in neck diameter and 59.1 ± 1.5 mm, 52.3 ± 1.5 mm or 45.9 ± 1.1 mm in bulb diameter were selected for storing. Preliminary curing and drying were carried out in the field and in 36~38℃ heated air drying machine, the weight loss of drying was 23 %. Both of the set were stored for 8 months at ambient ventilated condition. The results showed, large bulbs or bulbs of larger neck diameter had lower quality after 8 month ventilated storage, mainly due to high weight loss, mould decay or insect decay.本篇試驗研究係就不同型態之蒜球(Carlic,Allium sativum L.),包括三種粗細之梗(直)徑與三種球大小之球(直)徑等級,於自然通風環境下(22~31℃、70~87%RH)貯藏8個月,比較其出庫品質優劣,藉以瞭解其貯藏力之高低。結果顯示,大球徑(5.91±1.5mm)以及粗梗徑(12.7±1.7mm)的蒜球,貯藏品質較差,貯藏可售率皆有偏低現象。不同梗粗徑的蒜球之中,粗梗蒜球的貯藏失重率、乾腐情形以及蟲蛀的發生比率皆明顯偏高,細梗(8.9(0.99mm)蒜球除了失重率、乾腐少及蟲蛀的現象較少之外,黴腐之發生率亦較低,因此細梗蒜球的貯藏可售率明顯高於粗梗蒜球(約3.7倍)。不同球徑大小的蒜球之中球徑越大者越容易出現貯藏失重、黴腐與蟲蛀現象,於通風貯藏8個月後,大球徑者貯藏可售率明顯偏低(<40%),小球的可售率則仍高達70%。球徑大小與梗徑粗細不同的蒜球,貯藏後芽長比及瓣肉品質皆頗為接近,差異並不大;在曲褶芽發生情形方面,細梗蒜球較中、粗梗蒜球容易發生,中、小球之曲褶芽發生率則比大球多;在發根長度方面,梗徑不同的蒜球之間,差異並不大,但球徑大小不同蒜球之間,大球較容易長根,中、小球發根長度皆較短而且兩者長度相近。由於大球徑與粗梗徑的蒜球,在自然通風環境下的長期貯藏品質,明顯不如小球徑與細梗球徑的蒜球,因此宜避免採用大球徑與粗梗的蒜球進行長期自然通風貯藏

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Last time updated on 16/06/2016

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