Evening Telegram, 1885-07-24


The Evening Telegram began publication in St. John's on 3 April 1879 and remains in print today under the title The Telegram. It was published daily except Sunday through to 1958, the frequency changing thereafter. -- The total collection has been split into several parts; this portion contains the years 1879-1899. -- Not published: 9 June - 31 August 1892, 2-10 January 1894. Missing issue ranges: 3-7 April 1879, 5-6 May 1880, 29-31 December 1880, 31 March - 19 April 1881, 25-30 June 1895. In addition, these individual issues are missing from 1880: 16 January, 2 April, 17 April, 24 April, 11 May, 28 May, 11 October, 22 October, 13 November, 7 December

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Memorial University Newfoundland Digital Archive Initiative

Last time updated on 25/05/2016

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