Hydrological data acquisition and exploitation


This chapter examines the growth of the UK's hydrometric monitoring networks and data acquisition capabilities, together with the development of hydrological archives and digital catchment characterisations. It reviews the design of increasingly sophisticated databases and quality assurance mechanisms together with the use of hydrological data both in support of major research programmes and in addressing complex river and water management issues. Hydrological data underpin the science of hydrology and provide the foundation upon which today's water management has been built, providing an objective framework within which to balance society's often conflicting demands on the aquatic environment. Wallingford's expertise in managing both project-based and national hydrological databases was increasingly exploited to support data management and rescue projects around the world. Data acquisition and stewardship are now integral components of nearly all scientific endeavours

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NERC Open Research Archive

Last time updated on 09/05/2016

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