Recent Advances in Antitank Guided Missile Systems


The recent advances in tactical antitank guided missile (ATGM) systems are discussed. The main driving factors for the technological advances towards realisation of third generation ATGM systems have been the more demanding operational needs of the user services and limitations of earlier generation ATGM systems. The tasks of system design, hardware realisation, integration, testing and qualification have become extremely challenging to meet these stringent operational requirements. The technologies required to be mobilised for meeting these operational requirements and performance envelope and satisfying the operational and logistics constraints are again very demanding. The high technology content and the high level of performance required out of the subsystems have led to the present generation missile systems. The evolution from the earlier generations to current systems has been briefly discussed. Imaging infrared (IIR) and Millimetre wave (MMW) guidance systems employed for achieving the fire and forget capability of the third generation ATGM are described with specific reference to progress achieved so far. Translating the mission requirements to preliminary system specifications is another area wherein an innovative approach only can lead to meet the multiple performance criteria. Performance growth profile and emerging trends in ATGM systems are also analysed

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This paper was published in Defence Science Journal.

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