Information Revolution and Organization


Organizacija se promatra s obzirom na interese njenih članova (koji se diferenciraju kao interesi vodećih i vođenih, te kao stupnjevi razvoja interesa, od materijalnih, preko »društvenih«, do samoostvarivanja), ciljeve organizacije, integraciju po dimenziji međusobnih odnosa (posebno nadređenosti i podređenosti), te metode rada. Hijerarhijski odnosi mogu se legitimirati svojom ekonomičnošću pri danim metodama rada, te informacijskim monopolom vrha, ali nisu svodivi na tehnologiju. Informatička revolucija toliko povećava obim informacija koje se u organizaciji obrađuju i koriste, da ih hijerarhijski vrh ne može savladati čak ni pomoću štabske organizacije i decentralizacije, već sama hijerarhijska baza tendencijski zadobiva pun udio u stvaranju, pohranjivanju i obradi informacija, te u inovacijama. Rutinski rad načelno s čovjeka prelazi na stroj. Premda time gubi svoje tehnologijsko pokriće, hijerarhija zadržava osnovicu u interesnoj dimenziji odnosa u organizaciji. Interesne suprotnosti višeg i nižeg hijerarhijskog nivoa održavaju nejednaku distribuciju informacija i moći i kad to nije tehnologijski nužno. Uz to je upitno mogu li se interesi koji se po razvojnom stupnju nalaze iznad materijalnih (posebno oni koji uključuju uspoređivanje s drugima), razumno pomiriti među pripadnicima organizacije.The organization is considered with regard to the interests of its members (known as the interests of the leading and the led) and the degrees of interest ranging from materialistic through »social« to self actualization, the goals of the organization, integration of human relations (focused are in particular superiority and inferiority) as well as the methods of work. The relations in hierarchy can be legitimized by their efficiency within the given methods and by the informational monopoly of the top level but they are not accounted for in technology. Information revolution increases the volume of information elaborated and used by the organization that they can not be overcome by the hierarchy top level and not even by means of staff organization and decentralization but the hierarchic basis tends to get full share in creation, storing and information processing and in innovations. Routine work in principle passes from man to machine. Although it loses its technological grounds, the hierarchy still keeps its basis in order to maintain the relations in the organization. Conflicts of interests between higher and lower hierarchic level maintain uneven distribution of information and power regardless of technological necessity. The question is whether the interests that according to their development degree surpass materialistic interests (especially those that include comparison to the others), can be reasonably compromised among the members of the organization

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Hrčak - Portal of scientific journals of Croatia

Last time updated on 09/05/2016

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