Impact Of Maintenance On The Productivity Of Some Companies In The North-Eastern States Of Nigeria


Matnlenance is the key tc zucc~ss in many in-::iustries. Machmeries/equipment costing millior:s of Naira for prcducticn t.'\Jf;'Oses will surely fail if ad cq uat~ maintenance prc~ures are no: T tl~ atms of rh•s study are to find out the type of ma:ntenance pra:t,ces carr~d Olll by companies in Nigeria ar.d to assess the tm:J3Ct of rt.a int~r~c-= on the companies productivity in terms of j:Sa:-;t efrlc•er:=y Cur:-; :e-:-·!·::z- c--:o:-!cds 0~ production based on data from SIX majcr compan.-e-£. tn !\ -J'ih·Ea5:-e:-r. N1gena The resu!ts showed that of th2 six cornpanies stuCieo 00;y .t-.s!la.(z Ce .. mer.! PLC of Gombe pract1ced preverllive a..-id corrective;.cc. \vhi!e theother five comp2nies practiced correct,va main:enar.c: on>y Tr,= study revealed lha! the producticr. efficiency of the Ashar.a Cem:r.; pia.n;s dunng rh~ ren v~ar period from 1990 to 199-9 was 76'o wh•le me other cor.1panies recorded b:?li.\.'Cen 12 to 30= . .:- efficiency It IS sugQest~ tr.a: mam{enance war~ be well planne-d and implemente-:j oy an compantes m N1ge.r:

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