Pengaruh Suplemen Nonsintetik terhadap Pertumbuhan Planlet Anggrek Vanda


ABSTRAK. Medium tumbuh merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam menentukan kualitas pertumbuhan planlet anggrek Vanda.  Pada medium tumbuh perlu ditambahkan suplemen nonsintetik yang berperan mempercepat pertumbuhan planlet anggrek Vanda.  Tujuan penelitian ialah mendapatkan suplemen nonsintetik yang tepat untuk mengganti komponen medium Vacin dan Went (VW).  Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan, Kebun Percobaan Tanaman Hias Pasarminggu, mulai bulan Juni sampai dengan Desember 2007.  Perlakuan yang diberikan ialah sebagai berikut. (1) medium VW  sebagai kontrol; (2) KNO3 1 g/l + kasein hidrolisat 100 mg/l + ragi 1,25 g/l + pisang 50 g/l; (3) KNO3 1 g/l + kasein hidrolisat 100 mg/l + ragi 1,25 g/l + ubikayu 50 g/l; (4) KNO3 1 g/l + kasein hidrolisat 100 mg/l + ragi 1,25 g/l + kentang 50 g/l; dan (5) KNO3 1 g/l + kasein hidrolisat 100 mg/l + ragi 1,25 g/l + taoge 50 g/l. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan ialah acak kelompok dengan lima perlakuan dan empat ulangan.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media (1) KNO3 1 g/l + kasein hidrolisat 100 mg/l + ragi 1,25 g/l + pisang 50 g/l; (2) KNO3 1 g/l + kasein hidrolisat 100 mg/l + ragi 1,25 g/l + ubikayu 50 g/l; (3)  KNO3 1 g/l + kasein hidrolisat 100 mg/l + ragi 1,25 g/l + kentang 50 g/l; dan (4) KNO3 1 g/l + kasein hidrolisat 100 mg/l + ragi 1,25 g/l + taoge 50 g/l  dapat digunakan sebagai media alternatif pengganti medium Vacin dan Went. Pemanfaatan suplemen nonsintetik dapat menekan biaya produksi planlet.ABSTRACT.  Widiastoety, D. and Nurmalinda. 2010. The Effect of Nonsynthetic Supplement on the Plantlet Growth of Vanda.  Medium is one of the important factors in determining the plantlet  growth of Vanda. Nonsynthetic supplement has to be added in to the medium to accelerate the growth of  Vanda plantlet.  The aim of this experiment was to obtain nonsynthetic supplement to substitute the component of Vacin and Went medium. The experiment was conducted at Tissue Culture Laboratory of Indonesia Ornamental Crops Experimental Garden, Pasarminggu Jakarta, from June through December 2007. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with five treatments and four replications. The treatments were : (1) medium VW without addition organic compound; (2) KNO3 1 g/l + casein hydrolysate 100 mg/l + yeast 1.25 g/l + banana 50 g/l; (3) KNO3 1 g/l + casein hydrolysate 100 mg/l + yeast 1.25 g/l + casava 50 g/l; (4) KNO3 1 g/l + casein hydrolysate 100 mg/l + yeast 1.25 g/l + potato 50 g/l; and (5) KNO3 1 g/l + casein hydrolysate100 mg/l + yeast 1.25 g/l + mungbean sprout 50 g/l.  The results showed that  (1) KNO3 1 g/l + casein hydrolysate 100 mg/l + yeast 1.25 g/l + banana 50 g/l; (2)  KNO3 1 g/l + casein hydrolysate 100 mg/l + yeast 1.25 g/l + cassava 50 g/l; (3)  KNO3 1 g/l + casein hydrolysate 100 mg/l + yeast 1,25 g/l + potato 50 g/l; and (4)  KNO3 1 g/l + casein hydrolysate 100 mg/l + yeast 1.25 g/l + mungbean sprout 50 g/l  could be used as an alternative media.  The use of nonsynthetic supplement could reduce production cost of plantlet

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This paper was published in Jurnal Hortikultura.

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