
The article explores key issues in reaching a balance of funding resources, needed for fulfilling strategic goals for scientific-technological development ofRussia. Shared forecasts predict that in 2016, Russia's share of the global budget for Research and Development (R&D) will amount to less than 2%, whereas the share of only three countries – the USA, China and Japan, will amount to 55,6%. The six leading countries investing heavily state funded in R&D in 2016, will be theUSA,China,Japan,Germany,South KoreaandIndia. The accumulative share of investments in R&D in 2016, will amount to 68,5%. Comparing the investment volumes of leading countries',Russia's expected national investment in R&D might be non-competitive. It is noted that the needed resources for increasing volumes of state funding in Russian scientific-technological field in the midterm perspective are already exhausted. Therefore, the single opportunity for reaching the goal of Russian President's Order № 599 for increasing internal spending on R&D, so it amounts 1,77% of GDP is to dramatically increase the volume of extra-budgetary financing in the domestic R&D sector. Special attention is paid to the disproportion of the budget spending on R&D and the number of people employed in R&D, which leads toRussiahaving one of the lowest indicators among developed countries for «internal expenditure on R&D per researcher». It is concluded that without a clear strategic answer to the posed question about how the Russian industrial sector will be able to increase internal spending on R&D from current 1,15% to 1,77% and how will it accommodate the 4th biggest corpus of scientists in the world in the processes of reindustrialization of the country, strategic targets for becoming a global technological leader risk to remain in the status of «ambitious goals».

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The Economics of Science (E-Journal) / Экономика науки

Last time updated on 15/12/2019

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