The MeDoc Distributed Electronic Library Accounting and Security Aspects (Extended Abstract)
- Publication date
- 1996
- Publisher
Michael Breu Anne Bruggemann-Klein y Cornelia Haber z Ricarda Weber x November 1, 1996 Abstract The MeDoc service provides access to a distributed full-text library for computer scientists over the internet. Since the library provides commercial information products, accounting and security aspects are of considerable importance in this electronic-publishing project. MeDoc has developed business, cost, and payment models suitable for an electronic library service. Communication channels are secured by transparent encryption mechanisms based on SSL. These mechanisms are implemented in a prototype that will be evaluated in a first field test starting at the end of 1996. 1 Introduction The MeDoc 1 service provides a distributed electronic full-text library of high quality computer-science literature. This library can only be furnished with commercial products, if usage is billable and protected. Therefore flexible business, cost and payment models and user-transparent ways to s..