Leap Productivity and Health Impact Study


In a year-long study people who received the Leap chair and office ergonomics training achieved up to a 17.8 % increase in productivityERGONOMIC STUDY FALL 2010 Leap makes a measurable difference in two separate health and productivity studies As the number of knowledge workers grows worldwide, so does the need to design ergonomic programs that improve the health and productivity of these workers. So what creates a healthy, inspiring office that helps people do their best work – an ergonomic chair, a keyboard support, a window view, good lighting, great tasting coffee? OBJECTIVES Many studies analyze the effectiveness of ergonomic programs, but since they look at overall changes to the office, they don’t readily identify which changes actually led to reduced symptoms and injuries. Leap ® seating technology was designed based on extensive research of the human body and how to support it. The Leap chair had been proven, in biomechanic laboratory tests 1, to provide exceptional fit, movement, and support. The goal of these field studies were to test the measurable effects of the Leap chair and office ergonomics training on employees ’ well-being and productivity in a “real world ” setting. THE STUDY LOOKED AT THREE THINGS: • �What is the real health benefit of an ergonomic program? • �Can an ergonomic program lead to increased worker productivity? • �How quickly can an increase in productivity yield a return on investment for the company? “The fact that we were able to demonstrate similar health and productivity improvements in more than one type of business shows that the chair with office ergonomics training is a robust ergonomic intervention. ” sai

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Last time updated on 22/10/2014

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