A Study on Seethakazhichal


Twenty children with seetha kazhichal, diagnosed clinically and admitted in In-patient ward were observed for clinical diagnosis, laboratory diagnosis and treated with “Seethapethy chooranam” Clinical diagnosis of seetha kazhichal was clone on the basis of clinical features described in Bala vagadam, siddha maruthuvam, Noi naadal and Noi muthal naadal thiratu etc. The etiology and clinical features of seetha kazhichal were correlated with the etiology and clinical features of bacillary and amoebic dysentery. Dehydrated children, children having lactose intolerance, ulcerative colitis and in need of emergency treatment were excluded for this study. Siddha system of clinical methods like Envagai thervugal, Neerkuri, Neikuri were carried out in all the patients and recorded. Routine blood and urine examination were done. Stools were collected from each patient and subjected to analysis, to differentiate amoebic and bacillary dysentery. The trial medicine Seethapethy chooranam was given internally 3 times a day with butter for the clinical treatment and management of seetha kazhichal. The dosage of the drug is 250mg-1g (The dose of medicine was adjusted according to the age and weight of children and severity of the disease) The observation made during the clinical study showed that the trial drug Seethapethy chooranam was clinically effective for seethe kazhichal. The Biochemical analysis of the trial medicine showed the presence of tannic acid, ferrous iron, sulphate. Antimicrobial study of Seethapethy chooranam showed effective inhibitory action against shigella flexneri and other enteropathegenic organisms like E-coli and salmonella typhi. In pharmacological analysis, the trial medicine had Anti diarrhoeal, Styptic, Anti spasmodic, Anti pyretic and acute and chronic Anti inflammatory actions. The parents and children were advised to follow the preventive measures and to lead a hygienic life. CONCLUSION: All the twenty in-patient children and several out-patient children in the P.G.Kuzhanthai maruthuvam department, Govt. Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai with Seetha kazhichal were treated with Seethapethy chooranam 3 times a day with butter internally. No adverse effects were noticed during the treatment period. The trial drug Seethapethy chooranam is purely herbal, easily available and harmless to infants and children. The method of preparation is easy and the cost is comparatively economical. The drug has got Anti microbial, Anti diarrhoeal, Styptic, Anti spasmodic, Anti pyretic and acute and chronic Anti inflammatory actions. Clinical results were found to be good in 60% of cases and moderate results were found in 40% of cases. Because of the encouraging results clinically, the study may be undertaken with same medicine in a large number of cases and it may throw new lights for the treatment of “Seetha kazhichal

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Last time updated on 30/10/2019

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