

Ganotherapy is simply consisting of five steps used to explain how ganoderma supports the body which in turn to overcome its health problems by itself. The five steps are Scanning, Detoxification, Regulation, Building and Regenerating. Ganoderma must be consumed according to ganotherapy procedure; this ensures maximum benefits in health and wellness. Ganotherapy is based on consuming ganoderma based products RG/GL i.e. Reishi Gand and Ganocelium which are a 90 days and 18 day sold red mushroom called Ganoderma lucidum. Ganoderma provides wide range of nutraceuticals as it contains at least 400 nutrients. Ganoderma works on body and not on the disease promoting natural immune system helps in balancing the body and in turn the body treats itself for wide range of health problems. Thus ganotherapy takes holistic approach to alternative complementary medicines. The core belief of ganotherapy is “Our body is the best doctor” and “Prevention is better than cure”. Keywords: Ganotherapy, Ganoderma lucidum, Red mushroom, Reishi gand, Ganoceliu

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Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics (JDDT)

Last time updated on 17/10/2019

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