Дигитализација завичајне грађе у Градској библиотеци "Владислав Петковић Дис" у Чачку: дигитализација "Чачанског гласа" (1932-1935)


This paper includes short theoretical explanations of basic digitalization principles and description of digitalization program of local history collections,which was introduced in Public library „Vladislav Petkovic Dis“ in 2006. It emphasis examples from practice, which for two years were applied and modified in Library at Chachak, that other public libraries in Serbia could have better starting positions for their own digitalization projects, using these experiences. Particular part of the paper is dealing with digitalization of the most important newspaper published in Chachak, „Cacanski glas“, for years 1932-1935

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This paper was published in E-LIS.

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