Enhancement of oxygen permeation fluxes of La0.6Sr0.4CoO3−δ hollow fiber membrane via macrostructure modification and (La0.5Sr0.5)2CoO4+δ decoration


Oxygen-selective perovskite hollow fiber membrane can be used to obtain an effective oxygen separation from air at high temperature (above 700 °C) for large scale application. Here, we display that oxygen permeation fluxes of LaSrCoO (LSC) hollow fiber membrane was enhanced by macrostructure modification and (La,Sr)CoO (LSC) surface decoration. By changing the cross-section macrostructure from sandwich structure (for LSC-a fiber) to asymmetric structure (for LSC-b fiber), the oxygen flux was improved by up to 3.6-fold. Applying porous LSC decoration on LSC furthermore enhanced the oxygen fluxes for LSC-a and LSC-b, by up to 6.8-fold and 1.9-fold, respectively

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This paper was published in University of Queensland eSpace.

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