Pyrroloquinoline quinone glucose dehydrogenase adopted in thermometric analysis for enhancement of glucose determination


A broad measurement range of glucose is often required in clinical analysis, especially for diabetic patients where glucose levels can be very high. Pyrroloquinoline quinone glucose dehydrogenase (PQQGDH) has previously been used in electrochemical quantification of glucose with an extended linear range. However, in real sample determination of glucose, interferences from electroactive substances in blood are unavoidable. Calorimetric biosensors, e.g., the Enzyme Thermistor, are insensitive to either directly electroactive or optical interferences often present in real clinical samples. This paper describes a novel analytical strategy where the intrinsic advantages of PQQGDH are combined with the Enzyme Thermistor as biosensor using calorimetric detection as general measurement principle. When compared with the most frequently used enzyme glucose oxidase, PQQGDH has a higher catalytic efficiency and is insensitive to the availability of oxygen. The use of calorimetry in this context resulted in a broad linear range of glucose measurements, from 0.009 to 100 mM, an excellent specificity and insignificant side effects of compounds present in blood at high concentrations, such as lactate and urea

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Lund University Publications

Last time updated on 12/06/2018

This paper was published in Lund University Publications.

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