Effect of nanomaterials on ageing and moisture damage using the indirect tensile strength test


Environmental conditions as well as traffic loads lead to the deterioration of asphalt pavements during their service life. For this reason, the use of nanomaterials that improve the mixtures behaviour could be interesting. The behaviour of two mixtures made with binder modified with nanoclay and nanoiron, and their strength against ageing and moisture damage is studied. Mixtures have been subjected to ageing by two procedures: extended heating, Long-Term Oven Ageing (LTOA), and ultraviolet (UV) plus rainfall simulation, Tecnico Accelerated Ageing (TEAGE). The results show that nanoclay improves the mixture behaviour against ageing, while nanoiron does against moisture damage.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

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Last time updated on 21/05/2018

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