Robust bipolar light emission and charge transport in symmetric molecular junctions


Molecular junctions consisting of a Ru(bpy)3 oligomer between conducting carbon contacts exhibit an exponential dependence of junction current on molecular layer thickness (d) similar to that observed for other aromatic devices when d < 4 nm. However, when d > 4 nm, a change in transport mechanism occurs which coincides with light emission in the range of 600\u2013900 nm. Unlike light emission from electrochemical cells or solid-state films containing Ru(bpy)3, emission is bipolar, occurs in vacuum, has rapid rise time (<5 ms), and persists for >10 h. Light emission directly indicates simultaneous hole and electron injection and transport, possibly resonant due to the high electric field present (>3 MV/cm). Transport differs fundamentally from previous tunneling and hopping mechanisms and is a clear \u201cmolecular signature\u201d relating molecular structure to electronic behavior.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

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Last time updated on 13/05/2018

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