Guidelines for the nonlinear finite element analysis of hull response to moving loads on ships and offshore structures


The structural hull response of a ship or offshore structure to moving (or sliding) loads has been shown to be significantly different than that of stationary loads of the same magnitude; when those loads cause plastic damage. A standard hull grillage structure's capacity to resist a moving load may be as little as half its capacity to resist a similar stationary load. Real hull structures most often experience operational loads in a way better modelled as moving loads; particularly for the case of operational ice loads. Many accidental loads are also moving loads. This paper provides guidelines for the nonlinear finite element analysis (FEA) of moving loads on hull structures, where the moving load is not expected to induce hull puncture or subsequent tearing of the hull plating.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

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Last time updated on 13/05/2018

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