Protection from septic peritonitis by rapid neutrophil recruitment through omental high endothelial venules


Acute peritonitis is a frequent medical condition that can trigger severe sepsis as a life-threatening complication. Neutrophils are first-responders in infection but recruitment mechanisms to the abdominal cavity remain poorly defined. Here, we demonstrate that high endothelial venules (HEVs) of the greater omentum constitute a main entry pathway in TNFα-, Escherichia coli (E. coli)- and caecal ligation and puncture-induced models of inflammation. Neutrophil transmigration across HEVs is faster than across conventional postcapillary venules and requires a unique set of adhesion receptors including peripheral node addressin, E-, L-selectin and Mac-1 but not P-selectin or LFA-1. Omental milky spots readily concentrate intra-abdominal E. coli where macrophages and recruited neutrophils collaborate in phagocytosis and killing. Inhibition of the omental neutrophil response exacerbates septic progression of peritonitis. This data identifies HEVs as a clinically relevant vascular recruitment site for neutrophils in acute peritonitis that is indispensable for host defence against early systemic bacterial spread and sepsis

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Harvard University - DASH


This paper was published in Harvard University - DASH.

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