Gate tunable parallel double quantum dots in InAs double-nanowire devices


We report fabrication and characterization of InAs nanowire devices with two closely placed parallel nanowires. The fabrication process we develop includes selective deposition of the nanowires with micron scale alignment onto predefined finger bottom gates using a polymer transfer technique. By tuning the double nanowire with the finger bottom gates, we observed the formation of parallel double quantum dots with one quantum dot in each nanowire bound by the normal metal contact edges. We report the gate tunability of the charge states in individual dots as well as the inter-dot electrostatic coupling. In addition, we fabricate a device with separate normal metal contacts and a common superconducting contact to the two parallel wires and confirm the dot formation in each wire from comparison of the transport properties and a superconducting proximity gap feature for the respective wires. With the fabrication techniques established in this study, devices can be realized for more advanced experiments on Cooper-pair splitting, generation of Parafermions, and so on

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Lund University Publications

Last time updated on 21/03/2018

This paper was published in Lund University Publications.

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