Spread of Epidemic MRSA-ST5-IV Clone Encoding PVL as a Major Cause of Community Onset Staphylococcal Infections in Argentinean Children


<div><h3>Background</h3><p>Community-associated methicillin-resistant <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em>-(CA-MRSA) strains have emerged in Argentina. We investigated the clinical and molecular evolution of community-onset MRSA infections (CO-MRSA) in children of Córdoba, Argentina, 2005–2008. Additionally, data from 2007 were compared with the epidemiology of these infections in other regions of the country.</p> <h3>Methodology/Principal Findings</h3><p>Two datasets were used: <em>i)</em> lab-based prospective surveillance of CA-MRSA isolates from 3 Córdoba pediatric hospitals-(CBAH1-H3) in 2007–2008 (compared to previously published data of 2005) and <em>ii)</em> a sampling of CO-MRSA from a study involving both, healthcare-associated community-onset-(HACO) infections in children with risk-factors for healthcare-associated infections-(HRFs), and CA-MRSA infections in patients without HRFs detected in multiple centers of Argentina in 2007. Molecular typing was performed on the CA-MRSA-(n: 99) isolates from the CBAH1-H3-dataset and on the HACO-MRSA-(n: 51) and CA-MRSA-(n: 213) isolates from other regions. Between 2005–2008, the annual proportion of CA-MRSA/CA-<em>S. aureus</em> in Córdoba hospitals increased from 25% to 49%, <em>P</em><0.01. Total CA-MRSA infections increased 3.6 fold-(5.1 to 18.6 cases/100,000 annual-visits, <em>P</em><0.0001), associated with an important increase of invasive CA-MRSA infections-(8.5 fold). In all regions analyzed, a single genotype prevailed in both CA-MRSA (82%) and HACO-MRSA(57%), which showed pulsed-field-gel electrophoresis-(PFGE)-type-“I”, sequence-type-5-(ST5), SCC<em>mec</em>-type-IVa, <em>spa</em>-t311, and was positive for PVL. The second clone, pulsotype-N/ST30/CC30/SCC<em>mec</em>IVc/t019/PVL<sup>+</sup>, accounted for 11.5% of total CA-MRSA infections. Importantly, the first 4 isolates of Argentina belonging to South American-USA300 clone-(USA300/ST8/CC8/SCC<em>mec</em>IVc/t008/PVL<sup>+</sup>/ACME<sup>−</sup>) were detected. We also demonstrated that a HA-MRSA clone-(pulsotype-C/ST100/CC5) caused 2% and 10% of CA-MRSA and HACO-MRSA infections respectively and was associated with a SCC<em>mec</em> type closely related to SCC<em>mec</em>IV(2B&5).</p> <h3>Conclusions/Significance</h3><p>The dissemination of epidemic MRSA clone, ST5-IV-PVL<sup>+</sup> was the main cause of increasing staphylococcal community-onset infections in Argentinean children (2003–2008), conversely to other countries. The predominance of this clone, which has capacity to express the h-VISA phenotype, in healthcare-associated community-onset cases suggests that it has infiltrated into hospital-settings.</p> </div

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Last time updated on 16/03/2018

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