The effects of driving experience on responses to a static hazard perception test


Novice drivers exhibit deficits in hazard perception that are likely to increase their risk of collisions. We developed a static hazard perception test that presents still images to observers and requires them to indicate the presence of a traffic conflict that would lead to a collision. Responses to these scenes were obtained for young adult novice (N = 29) and experienced drivers (N = 27). Additionally, participants rated the hazard risk and clutter of each scene. Novice drivers rated traffic conflicts as less hazardous and responded more slowly to them. Using a subset of 21 scenes, we were able to discriminate novice and experienced young adult drivers with a classification accuracy of 78% and a scale reliability (Cronbach's alpha) of.91. The potential applications of this research include the development of standardized hazard perception tests that can be used for driver evaluation, training and licensure

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University of Queensland eSpace

Last time updated on 30/08/2013

This paper was published in University of Queensland eSpace.

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