Possibilities of dietary diversification of complementary foods in children with a family history of allergic diseases


The paper presents the experience of complementary feeding in children with manifestations of food allergy. The 4-day food rotation diet proposed by a group of authors from the Children’s Health Research Center (2009) for children 3 years of age and older has been used. The diet has been modified for babies of the first year of life who have manifestations of polyvalent food allergy, which could maximally extend the range of foods and minimize the clinical manifestations of food allergy.It is concluded that to diversify the range of complementary foods, it is appropriate to use the 4-day food rotation diet designed by a group of authors from the Children’s Health Research Center; the first complementary foods should include specialized commercial infant formulas proven to be hypoallergenic

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Last time updated on 13/02/2018

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