3D Interfaces to Hypermedia Information Spaces


Vast quantities of information can now be accessed electronically and this corpus of knowledge is increasing all the time. Many different research communities have been tackling the problem of accessing this information. The research being carried out ranges from high speed networks to hypermedia navigation tools. The field of most interest to this document is spatial interfaces. With the improvements in computer graphics technology in recent years it is now practical to build highly graphical interfaces for desktop workstations. These interfaces can present information to the user by using visual metaphors and creating a 'virtual reality' in which the user can interact with the documents. This thesis will examine current systems that provide such interfaces and look at the design issues involved in creating them. A framework is discussed which allows for the modular construction of a spatial interface, with navigation tools and legacy information systems being integrated within an open system. Finally, new tools will be suggested which draw on the new metaphors provided by such an interface and provide a means to express the content and context of information visually

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    Southampton (e-Prints Soton)

    Last time updated on 05/04/2012

    This paper was published in Southampton (e-Prints Soton).

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