Host interleukin 6 production regulates inflammation but not tryptophan metabolism in the brain during murine GVHD


peer reviewedGraft-versus-host disease (GVHD) induces pathological damage in peripheral target organs leading to well-characterized, organ-specific clinical manifestations. Patients with GVHD, however, can also have behavioral alterations that affect overall cognitive function, but the extent to which GVHD alters inflammatory and biochemical pathways in the brain remain poorly understood. In the current study, we employed complementary murine GVHD models to demonstrate that alloreactive donor T cells accumulate in the brain and affect a proinflammatory cytokine milieu that is associated with specific behavioral abnormalities. Host IL-6 was identified as a pivotal cytokine mediator, as was host indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO-1), which was upregulated in GVHD in an IL-6-dependent manner in microglial cells and was accompanied by dysregulated tryptophan metabolism in the dorsal raphe nucleus and prefrontal cortex. Blockade of the IL-6 signaling pathway significantly reduced donor T cell accumulation, inflammatory cytokine gene expression, and host microglial cell expansion, but did not reverse GVHD-induced tryptophan metabolite dysregulation. Thus, these results indicate that inhibition of IL-6 signaling attenuates neuroinflammation, but does not reverse all of the metabolic abnormalities in the brain during GVHD, which may also have implications for the treatment of neurotoxicity occurring after other T cell-based immune therapies with IL-6-directed approaches

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Open Repository and Bibliography - Liège

Last time updated on 23/01/2018

This paper was published in Open Repository and Bibliography - Liège.

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