Congenital pharyngeal webs: Treatment of a rare clinical entity by endoscopic CO2 laser approach.


Oesophageal inlet stenosis can promote dysphagia and aspiration. We report the cases of syndromic children with congenital pharyngeal webs successfully treated with endoscopic CO2 laser. Pharyngeal webs were excised with CO2 laser (Ultrapulse mode) and resurfaced using mucosal advancement flaps to avoid restenosis and/or formation of secondary synechia. This led to a significant enlargement of the oesophageal inlet, which was documented immediately postoperatively and the clinical improvement of dysphagia and decreased aspiration persisted at distant follow-up. Pharyngeal webs are congenital anomalies that can be safely and effectively corrected with endoscopic treatment

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Serveur académique lausannois

Last time updated on 09/01/2018

This paper was published in Serveur académique lausannois.

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