A Twitter sentiment gold standard for the Brexit referendum


A Twitter Sentiment Gold Standard for the Brexit Referendum Manuela Hürlimann, Brian Davis Insight Centre for Data Analytics National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland {first.last}@insight-centre.org Keith Cortis, André Freitas, Siegfried Handschuh University of Passau Germany {first.last}@uni-passau.de Sergio Fernández Redlink GmbH Salzburg Austria [email protected] ABSTRACT In this paper, we present a sentiment-annotated Twitter gold standard for the Brexit referendum. The data set consists of 2,000 Twitter messages (“tweets”) annotated with information about the sentiment expressed, the strength of the sentiment, and context dependence. This is a valuable resource for social media-based opinion mining in the context of political events

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Irish Universities

Last time updated on 30/12/2017

This paper was published in Irish Universities.

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