Patients and Health Professionals Views on Caring in Diabetes Disease


Background: Diabetes is a common problem with severe complications. The control of diabetes needs a close and honest relationship between patients and health professionals. The views of these two groups might influence the professional relationship. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify the views of diabetic patients versus the views of diabetic care professionals on the content of caring. Patients and Methods: This qualitative study was conducted with the content analysis method. The participants consisted of adults who had suffered from diabetes for a minimum of one year, and health care professionals working in diabetes care centers. Fifteen patients and fifteen health professionals participated in the interviews. Results: The findings present four main themes which are as follows: what caring is and what means to care, the obstacles in providing care, the outcomes of caring, and specialist community-based care as a crucial intervention in diabetes care, the themes were identified and based on the data analysis, It appeared that patients were more outcome centered, while health professionals were more process- centered in the context of caring. Conclusions: It appeared that patients were more outcome centered, while health professionals were more process -centered in the context of caring

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This paper was published in kashan university of medical sciences.

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