The role of new zinc incorporated monetite cements on osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells


Î2-Tricalcium phosphate particles were sintered in the presence of different amounts (0â0.72 mol) of zinc oxide (ZnO) to prepare zinc doped Î2-TCP (ZnÎ2-TCP) particles for further use in novel monetite (DCPA: CaHPO4) zinc incorporated bone cements with osteogenic differentiation potential towards human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). XRD analysis of zinc incorporated cements prepared with Î2-TCP reagent particles doped with different amount of ZnO (i.e. 0.03, 0.09 and 0.18 mol ZnO) revealed the presence of unreacted ZnÎ2-TCP and monetite. Furthermore, it was shown that zinc ions preferentially occupied the Î2-TCP crystal lattice rather than the monetite one. Release experiments indicated a burst release of ions from the different fabricated cements during the first 24 h of immersion with zinc concentrations ranging between 85 and 100% of the total concentration released over a period of 21 days. Cell proliferation significantly increased (PÂ&nbsp

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Archivio istituzionale della ricerca - Università di Genova

Last time updated on 07/12/2017

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