Comercialização de Produtos Agropecuários em Alagoas: Um Estudo de Margem de Comercialização e Transmissão de Preços


This study aims to analyze the empirical results of marketing margins and price transmission of some agricultural products in trade fairs in the state of Alagoas, Brazil. Two agricultural products were used in this study: the curly lettuce and cassava (mandioca). These were sought to differentiate the marketing in various trade fairs in different regions, dividing these into the capital (Maceió and Rio Largo) and interior (Pão de Açúcar and União dos Palmares). The model shows that with the price transmission of the two products tested there is greater difficulty in passing on the producer price for retailers in the capital over the interior. Probably, this indicates that the shorter marketing channel within any influence on this result, for then there is the largest producer of direct participation in the process of formation of the final product price. Moreover, the greater perishability of lettuce influences the results significantly

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This paper was published in Munich RePEc Personal Archive.

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