Validation of a constitutive law for friction-induced vibration under different wear conditions


Recent work (A. Cabboi, T. Putelat, J. Woodhouse, The frequency response of dynamic friction: Enhanced rate- and-state models, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 92 (2016) 210–236) has shown promising agreement between measurements and theoretical modelling of high-frequency dynamic sliding friction. This paper confirms and extends this agreement by presenting results for a wide selection of contacting materials. Additional measurement tech- niques are also introduced, to give independent confirmation of parameter identification and improve the robustness of the identification process. The results show that virtually every individual measurement can be fitted accurately by the pro- posed theoretical model, and that in all cases where rapid wear of the contacting materials was not an issue it was possible to achieve a good global fit to sets of tests at different normal loads and sliding speeds. The evidence suggests that this measurement procedure is able to characterise the dynamic behaviour at a frictional interface up to kiloHertz frequencies, and consequently provide the means to discriminate among, and calibrate, proposed dynamic friction models. Identifying a reliable model could significantly improve the prediction accuracy for friction-induced vibration such as vehicle brake squeal.Financial support was provided by the EPSRC programme grant “Engineering Nonlinearity” (ref. EP/K003836/1 —

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Apollo (Cambridge)


This paper was published in Apollo (Cambridge).

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