Steimann Pin Repair of Zygomatic Complex Fractures*


Purpose: To present the treatment of zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMC) fractures with closed-reduction Steinmann-pin fixation and to compare it to the reduction and aesthetic outcomes of open-reduction techniques (ORIF). Materials and Methods: Case series. Charts for 23 patients with ZMC fractures presenting to the Head and Neck Surgery De-partment at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center from 2005 to 2009 were reviewed. Pre- and post-operative computed tomo-graphy (CT) scans were analyzed. Follow up ranged from 3 to 55 months. Interviews were conducted to evaluate the patient’s satisfaction. Patients were placed in two groups: those treated with ORIF and those treated with closed-reduc-tion Steinmann-pin fixation. Results: Twelve patients had complete data for analysis. Average operative time was sig-nificantly lower for patients treated with closed-reduction as compared to open-reduction: 65.3 minutes vs. 162.5 min-utes (p = 0.02). Bony realignment and aesthetic results were comparable in both groups. Additionally, only one 1cm facial incision was required with this repair system versus several incisions using traditional methods. Conclusions: Closed-reduction Steinmann-pin fixation of ZMC fractures provides adequate bony alignment and aesthetics. Our study supports this system in the repair of ZMC fractures as it requires significantly less operating time, one small incision, and excellent patient outcomes

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Last time updated on 02/11/2017

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