Pain on i.v. injection of some anaesthetic agents is evoked by the unphysiological osmolality or pH of their formulations


We have studied the intensity and time-course of pain during and after injection into an isolated vein segment in seven normal subjects of saline or glucose of different osmolalities (0-6 osmol kg~1) or pH (2-13). Pain scores were recorded continuously by a modified visual analogue scale apparatus. With osmo/ar stimulation, pain oc-curred at 1.0 osmol kg~1 during perfusion and 3.0 osmol kg'1 with rapid injection and increased with osmo/ar concentration of both saline and glucose solutions. Acidic and alkaline solutions evoked pain at a pH value < 4 or> 11. We conclude that pain on i.v. injection of some sedative and hypnotic drugs is likely to be caused by formulations of extremely unphysiologica

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Last time updated on 01/11/2017

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