Role of immune-regulatory cells in skin pathology


The skin harbors a complex and unique immune system that protects against various pathologies, such as in-fection and cancer. Although many of the mechanisms of immune activation in the skin have been investi-gated, it is likewise important to uncover the immune-regulatory components that limit effective immunity or prevent autoimmunity. Several cell populations are in-volved in this immune-regulatory function, including CD4 T cells that coexpress the transcription factor Foxp3, known as Tregs, and cells with immune-regula-tory function known as myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs). This review focuses on the role that im-mune-regulatory cells, such as MDSCs and Tregs, play in cutaneous pathology, such as malignancy, psoriasis

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Last time updated on 01/11/2017

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