The Effects of Question Generating Strategy and Feedback on Science Achievement, Self-efficiency and Perception of the Class in Middle School


ABSTRACT. This study is examined for the effects of question generating strategy and feedback(teacher feedback and student peer reviews) on science achievement, self-efficiency and perception of the class in the middle school. Three classes of middle school 1st grade in a city were sampled for the study. The students in comparative group took traditional lessons and solved questions presented on worksheets distributed by a teacher. On the other hand, the students in the experimental groups 1 and 2 generated and solved questions by themselves after traditional lessons and then participated in the activity with peer’s feedback and teacher's feedback, respectively. A self-efficiency test had been conducted before the treatments and the various tests such as achievement, self-efficiency and the perception of the class were carried out after treatments. The statistical results were analysed by ANCOVA, MANCOVA and t-test. The results of this study were as follows: First, there was significant difference between the control and experimental groups in the science achievement test (p<.01). Bu

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Last time updated on 31/10/2017

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