Cultural Intelligence And Its Dimensions With Organizational Entrepreneurship
Publication date
31 December 1347
This study was conducted with the purpose of investigating the relationship between cultural intelligence and its dimensions with organizational entrepreneurship. For this purpose, 273 managers and experts of sport and youth department were selected as sample. Subjects filled two questionnaires: cultural intelligence and organizational entrepreneurship. Results showed: There is a significant relationship between cultural intelligence and its dimension with organizational entrepreneurship. Also among four dimensions of cultural intelligence i.e. motivation, behavior, strategy have the highest relationship with organizational entrepreneurship and cognitive aspect has no significant relationship with organizational entrepreneurship. Correlation matrix analysis between cultural intelligence dimensions showed that all dimensions have significant relationship with each other and motivational and meta-cognition have the highest correlation and cognitive dimension has the least correlation with each other. It becomes clear that cultural intelligence and entrepreneurship have reverse and significant relationship with demographic features (age, education). Key words: cultural intelligence, organizational entrepreneurshi
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