Hypermetabolism of fat in V1a vasopressin receptor knockout mice


[Arg8]Vasopressin (AVP) has an antilipolytic action on adipocytes, but little is known about the mech-anisms involved. Here, we examined the involve-ment of the V1a receptor in the antilipolytic effect of AVP using V1a receptor-deficient (V1aR/) mice. The levels of blood glycerol were increased in V1aR/ mice. The levels of ketone bodies, such as acetoacetic acid and 3-hydroxybutyric acid, the products of the lipid metabolism, were increased in V1aR/ mice under a fasting condi-tion. Triacylglyceride and free fatty acid levels in blood were decreased in V1aR/ mice. Further-more, measurements with tandem mass spec-trometry determined that carnitine and acylcar-nitines in serum, the products of -oxidation, wer

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Last time updated on 31/10/2017

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