90Y-Labeled Tin Fluoride Colloid as a Promising Therapeutic Agent: Preparation, Characterization, and Biological Study in Rats


ABSTRACT: In this study, tin fluoride colloid (SnF-c) was prepared, labeled with yttrium-90 (90Y), and characterized with respect to its physicochemical properties and biological behavior in an animal model. Particle size of SnF-c, at constant concentration of SnF2, was dependent on pH, concentration of sodium fluoride (NaF), temperature, and time. The particle size of SnF-c decreased with an increase in NaF concentration and a decrease in reaction mixture pH. Radiolabeling yield of 90Y–SnF-c at higher temperature increased and it was greater than 98 % for the preparation at 95◦C. The 90Y–SnF-c demonstrated high in vitro stability both in human serum and human synovial fluid at 37◦C up to 7 days. In vivo distribution studies in healthy male Wistar rats of 90Y–SnF-c (particles <1:m), following intravenous administra-tion, revealed that the localization takes place preferably in the liver. The 90Y–SnF-c (parti-cles>1:m) was well retained in the synovial space for 96 h after intra-articular injection, whereas leakage of 90Y from the joint was 1.96 % over this period. Because of high labeling yield and stability, 90Y–SnF-c might be a promising agent for radiosynovectomy or therapy o

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Last time updated on 30/10/2017

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