Annexin 1 and the biology of the neutrophil


Abstract: This overview will focus on one aspect of neutrophil biology, which is the selective activa-tion of the annexin 1 system in relation to the process of cell extravasation. Besides the current view about the biochemistry of annexin 1 and an-nexin 1 receptor(s) up-regulation within the micro-environment of the adherent neutrophils, we will also comment on the final result achieved by acti-vation of the system, which is inhibition of neutro-phil recruitment. In view of the historical link be-tween annexin 1 and glucocorticoids, the potential for the annexin 1 system in mediating at least some of the anti-inflammatory actions of these powerful drugs is also discussed. J. Leukoc. Biol. 75: 25–29

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Last time updated on 28/10/2017

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