Fully embedded BoardLevel Guided-Wave Optoelectronic Interconnects


A fully embedded board-level guided-wave optical interconnec-tion is presented to solve the packaging compatibility problem. All elements involved in providing high-speed optical communications within one board are demonstrated. Experimental results on a 12-channel linear array of thin-film polyimide waveguides, vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSEL’s) (42 m), and silicon MSM photodetectors (10 m) suitable for a fully embedded implementation are provided. Two types of waveguide couplers, titled gratings and 45 total internal reflection mirrors, are fabri-cated within the polyimide waveguides. Thirty-five to near 100% coupling efficiencies are experimentally confirmed. By doing so, all the real estate of the PC board surface are occupied by electronics, and therefore one only observes the performance enhancement due to the employment of optical interconnection but does not worry about the interface problem between electronic and optoelectroni

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Last time updated on 28/10/2017

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