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    29935 research outputs found

    Cross-border supervisory cooperation : a progress report and research agenda

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    National supervisors in a world of integrated financial markets and cross-border banks face limited information and biased incentives, which can exacerbate financial fragility. While supervisory authorities have started cooperating across borders, such cooperation falls mostly short of supranational supervision as in the euro area. This paper summarises recent theoretical and empirical research in this area; it presents data on cross-border supervisory cooperation, shows the (limited) stability impact of such cooperation and reactions of global banking groups to increased supervisory cooperation

    Europe’s new regime for macroeconomic policy coordination : a first look

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    Published online: January 2024The Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) announced the Council’s agreement on a new framework for macroeconomic policy coordination on 21 December 2023. The agreement marks the culmination of a pan-European debate over macroeconomic policy and fiscal adjustment that started during the pandemic, as governments took stock of the role of macroeconomic policy coordination in shielding Europe’s economies from the full impact of restrictive measures imposed to fight the spread of COVID-19. The new framework places emphasis on the need for national ownership over efforts at fiscal consolidation. It also builds on the recognition that the fiscal positions of member state governments are different from one country to the next. At the same time, it acknowledges that all EU member states should have incentives to invest in areas of common interest, including responding to climate change, fostering the digital and green transitions, and bolstering national defence. It also takes steps to simplify the design and the monitoring of fiscal consolidation measures to make them more credible and more transparent, which should bolster efforts to curtail macroeconomic imbalances and reduce unwanted volatility in financial markets

    Παρατηρητηριο για τον πλουραλισμο των μεσων ενημερωσησ στην ψηφιακη εποχη. εφαρμογη του παρατηρητηριου στα κρατη μελη τησ Ευρωπαϊκησ ενωσησ και τισ υποψηφιεσ χωρεσ για το ετοσ 2023. Εθνική έκθεση : Ελλάδα

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    This report presents the results of the implementation of the Media Pluralism Monitor in Greece for the year 2023 (MPM2024). The MPM is a holistic tool aimed at assessing the risk to media pluralism in the EU member states and candidate countries. It considers legal, political, and economic variables relevant for analyzing the levels of media pluralism in a democratic society. The Media Pluralism Monitor has been implemented annually by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom since 2013/2014.Η παρούσα έκθεση παρουσιάζει τα αποτελέσματα της εφαρμογής του Παρατηρητηρίου του Πλουραλισμού των Μέσων Ενημέρωσης για το έτος 2023 (MPM2024) στην Ελλάδα. Το MPM είναι ένα ολιστικό εργαλείο που στοχεύει στην αξιολόγηση των κινδύνων για τον πλουραλισμό των μέσων ενημέρωσης στα κράτη μέλη της ΕΕ και σε επιλεγμένες υποψήφιες χώρες. Το MPM λαμβάνει υπόψη του νομικές, πολιτικές και οικονομικές μεταβλητές για την ανάλυση των επιπέδων πλουραλισμού των μιντιακών συστημάτων σε μια δημοκρατική κοινωνία. Το Παρατηρητήριο του Πλουραλισμού των Μέσων Ενημέρωσης εφαρμόζεται, σε τακτική βάση, από το Κέντρο για τον Πλουραλισμό και την Ελευθερία των Μέσων Ενημέρωσης/ Center for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, από το 2013/2014.The Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom is co-financed by the European Union

    Women terrorists in the Italian news : the representation of agency from ‘red witches’ to ‘lady Jihad’

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    Published online: 24 June 2024Women are usually considered as peaceful, domestic and caring mothers, whereas men are considered strong, autonomous and political individuals. This appears to be true also when politics turns into political violence: ‘terrorism’ is usually associated with the sphere of masculinity, while women terrorists challenge this construction. This article investigates the press representation of four Italian militant women in two different historical moments: in the ’70s, the Red Brigades’members Margherita Cagol and Barbara Balzerani, and nowadays the Jihadists Maria Giulia Sergio and Alice Brignoli. The aim of this study is understanding if the Italian press has been assigning or depriving women terrorists of political subjectivity, autonomy and agency. Our results suggest that these women are often represented through so-called cautionary tales, namely frames showing them as not ‘real women’, attributing them characteristics like masculinity, folly or monstrosity. Also, the explanation of why women commit terrorist acts is often connected to the fact they are partners of terrorist men. The results however suggest interesting differences in the representation of women terrorists in the different historical moments, and among the different news outlets (with different political affiliations) under analysis

    The 'unity of opposites' in the regulation of social media platforms : content moderation between the EUI 'Digital Services Act' and the US First Amendment theories

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    This paper explores the constitutional theories behind the regulation of content moderation activities of social media platforms across the Atlantic and discusses the effects of a change in the constitutional approach in the United States on the structure of the digital market of social media platforms. The paper argues that the current coexistence of regulatory models across the European Union and the United States results from an interlocking of constitutional theories that permits an equilibrium between the different paradigms of free speech online. The paper assesses the current risks to this equilibrium arising from a different interpretation of the scope of the First Amendment online in the United States

    Poles, blocs, worlds, and civilisations : geopolitics beyond the State

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    MWP Lecture delivered at the European University Institute in Florence on 10 January 2024.Jane Burbank (NYU) and Frederick Cooper (NYU) were interviewed by MWP Fellows Noelle Turtur (HEC) and Ben Van Zee (HEC) on 11 January 2024.Interview link: efforts of Russian propagandists to portray the invasion of Ukraine as a conflict between "Eurasian" and "Atlantic" blocs signals the vitality of trans-state and super-state affiliations in the political imagination of intellectuals and activists in our times. In the past, empire was one way of extending power across space and cultural difference; today the nation-state, with its emphasis on cultural commonality and territorial fixity, is considered the standard unit of sovereignty. But political thinkers have for many centuries developed other kinds of projects for expanding political affiliation across large spaces. This talk explores different ways of conceptualising affinity and difference in a world that has been and remains connected and unequal

    Towards a re-insurance union? : SURE as an EU response to preserve jobs in the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Published online: 04 April 2024Is the EU evolving towards a Re-Insurance Union? The creation of SURE, an EU financial tool to support national short-time work (STW) schemes in the midst of the pandemic, has revitalized debates on fiscal stabilizers as a means to counter economic downturns and protect jobs within the European Union. Drawing from document analyses and 17 interviews with EU and national stakeholders, this study explores the politics underpinning SURE’s adoption following a decade of heated and unsuccessful debates on the European Unemployment Reinsurance Scheme (EURS). Through the lens of ‘purposeful opportunism’, the article illustrates how the European Commission leveraged prior EURS insights and the emerging consensus on STW schemes to craft SURE in a way which addressed national concerns about EU-wide welfare harmonization, while positioning the EU as a holding environment for national welfare states. Looking ahead, making SURE a permanent ‘second line of defence’ against macroeconomic shocks could contribute to further substantiating new, EU-wide, social rights codified in the European Pillar of Social Rights.This work was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) grant entitled ‘Wellbeing Returns on Social Investment Recalibration’ (WellSIre), grant agreement No. 882276. It also benefited from an EUI Research Council Grant

    The coding of annual budget plans

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    Published online: 12 February 2024The coding of annual budget plans is the key empirical basis behind the present study. It is therefore important to contextualize and highlight the added value of this particular empirical source. Talk is often cheap, but sometimes it matters a great deal. This chapter argues that talk becomes relevant for understanding public policy when it is produced in contexts where all stakeholders are in the audience and when it features direct reference to policy initiatives. The presentation of annual budget plans by the finance minister to the parliament fulfils these criteria, and also features several important comparative advantages. This chapter presents the coding strategy for measuring responsiveness and responsibility in these texts, and illustrates the empirical material that is at the heart of the analysis presented in this book

    Human rights in transition

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    Published: 07 May 2024This edited volume brings together leading scholars in international law and international human rights to reflect upon the future of human rights, but with a firm grounding in an assessment of the present and the (recent and distant) past. It is neither uniformly critical nor uniformly celebratory of the possible futures for human rights law and politics. It thus eschews the polarized and one-sided approach that can too easily dominate either side of the debate. The result is a very rich set of essays that delve deeply into specific topics in human rights law and practice, and work outwards from a rigorous analysis of the past and present, to an argument about how to think about the future. No author is overtly concerned with saving or damning the human rights enterprise. Instead, each combines critical analysis with sober reflection to provide a fertile point of view on the present from which intimations of the future can be discerned.-- 1 Recovering Social Rights -- 2 The Future of Social and Economic Rights -- 3 Mutual Trust and the Future of Fundamental Rights Protection in the EU's Compound Legal Order -- 4 Human Rights Connectivity and the Future of the Treaty Body System -- 5 Feminist Futures in Human Rights -- 6 Climate Pathways and the Future of Human Right

    What about the BRICS? : examining power politics in a changing world order

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    Published online: 10 April 2024The rise of the BRICS has been a significant event in world politics. The bloc represents more than half of the world’s population, has vast territories, has some of the largest economies, and possesses nuclear weapons. Its emergence poses a substantial challenge to the US-led liberal order. Has there been a shift in the world order? Have Western institutions, policies, and narratives been contested because of the BRICS? This paper aims to examine power relations in world politics and explore changes to the liberal order that emerged at the end of the Cold War. It also analyzes the BRICS as a group, its role in world politics and its potential as a counter-hegemonic power


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