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Creative activities in occupational therapy for self-expression of individuals with special needs
Uvod: Pri osebah s širokim spektrom potreb in težav se ustvarjalne aktivnosti v delovni terapiji uporabljajo že od začetka obstoja stroke, saj imajo veliko terapevtsko vrednost. Osebe s posebnimi potrebami so zaradi svojih posebnosti pogosto stigmatizirane, njihove potrebe, misli, želje in čustva pa ostajajo slabo razumljene. Samoizražanje je pomembno za uspešno socialno interakcijo in vsakodnevno funkcioniranje. Zaradi komunikacijskih ovir morajo osebe s posebnimi potrebami to, kar je znotraj njih, izraziti drugače, na primer na ustvarjalen način. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je sistematično pregledati literaturo, ki raziskuje pomen in pozitivne učinke ustvarjalnih aktivnosti v delovnoterapevtski obravnavi za samoizražanje oseb s posebnimi potrebami. Metode dela: Sledili smo smernicam Centre for Reviews and Dissemination in izvedli sistematičen pregled literature. Iskanje je na podlagi vključitvenih in izključitvenih kriterijev potekalo v podatkovnih bazah CINAHL, ERIC, OTseeker, PubMed in Web of Science. Poslužili smo se tudi ročnega pregledovanja referenc za iskanje dodatne literature. Literaturo smo deskriptivno in tematsko analizirali. Rezultati: Glede na vključitvene in izključitvene kriterije je bilo v končno analizo vključenih deset virov, ki smo jih ocenili po kakovosti. Identificirali smo pet tem, ki so se ponavljale v vključenih raziskavah in bile pozitivni izsledki uporabe ustvarjalnih aktivnosti v delovnoterapevtski obravnavi kot medij za samoizražanje oseb s posebnimi potrebami: samoizražanje in predelovanje čustev, dobro počutje, socialna interakcija in grajenje skupnosti/odnosov, osebna rast in samozavest ter zapolnitev okupacijske praznine. Razprava in zaključek: Ustvarjalne aktivnosti v delovni terapiji zagotavljajo medij za samoizražanje oseb s posebnimi potrebami. Z različnimi materiali in simboli ponujajo alternativen način komunikacije in omogočajo izražanje skozi ustvarjalen proces. Izvajajo se v varnem in spodbudnem okolju, ki omogoča izražanje brez obsojanja. Najpogosteje se uporabljajo z namenom, da pri osebi okrepijo okupacijsko izvedbo, dobro počutje in samozavest, s čimer se zviša kakovost življenja. Potrebe po nadaljnjem raziskovanju na omenjenem področju so predvsem v slovenskem prostoru še velike, saj je samoizražanje še vedno slabo razumljen pojem, uporaba ustvarjalnih aktivnosti v delovnoterapevtski obravnavi kot medija za samoizraženje oseb s posebnimi potrebami pa neraziskana.Introduction: For people with wide spectrum of needs, creative activities have been used in occupational therapy since the very beginning of the profession as they have great therapeutic value. Individuals with special needs are often stigmatized because of their specialness – and their needs, thoughts, desires and emotions remain poorly understood. Self-expression is important for successful social interaction and daily functioning. Due to communication barriers, individuals with special needs have to express themselves in a different way, for example through creativity. Purpose: This systematic review aims to explore the meaning and positive effects of creative activities for self-expression of individuals with special needs. Methods: We followed the guidelines of the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination and conducted a systematic literature review. Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria tudies were identified in the following databases: CINAHL, ERIC, OTseeker, PubMed and Web of Science. We also searched references manually to identify additional relevant sources. We also conducted descriptive and thematic synthesis. Results: Ten studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the analysis, which we evaluated to their quality. We identified five themes that were repeated in the included studies and were positive outcomes of using creative activities in occupational therapy intervention as media for self-expression of individuals with special needs: self-expression and emotional processing, well-being, social interaction and community or relationship building, personal growth and self-confidence and filling the occupational void. Discussion and conclusion: Creative activities provide a medium for self-expression of individuals with special needs. With different materials and symbols they offer an alternative way of communication and enable expression through the creative process,. They take place in a safe and encouraging environment that allows expression without judgement. They are most often used for strengthening occupational performance,, well-being and self-confidence, thereby increasing the quality of life. The need for durther research is still great, especially in Slovenia, as self-expression is still poorly understood concept, and the use of creative activities as a medium for enhancing self-expression of individuals with special needs is unexplored
Zgodba o šiboletu (Sodniki 12,5-6) kot migracijski pripovedni motiv
Shibboleth is a special sociolinguistic category, denoting a functional communicative mechanisma word, a phrase, or merely just a phoneme used as a test or a marker to identify people through their pronunciation. The term and the concept originate in a short passage in the Old Testament of the Bible, Book of Judges, chapter 12, verses 5 and 6 – called The Shibboleth incident – which describes a language trial administered by the Gileadites in order to identify disguised Ephraimites and kill them. Throughout history in different parts of the world, strikingly similar stories have emerged, set in comparable contextual circumstances of inter-ethnic bloodshed. In the article, a comprehensive folkloristic comparative analysis of various shibboleth accounts is presented, prompting a question if these stories are standalone narrative materialor if they are rather individual articulations (ecotypes) of an otherwise shared timeless migratory narrative folklore motif.Šibolet je posebna sociolingvistična kategorija oziroma funkcijski komunikacijski mehanizem – beseda, besedna zveza ali zgolj fonem, ki se uporablja kot preizkus (oziroma kot označevalec) identitete posameznikov prek njihove izgovarjave. Termin in koncept izhajata iz kratkega odlomka iz Stare zaveze Svetega pisma, kjer v 12. poglavju Knjige sodnikov v 5. in 6. vrstici beremo o jezikovnem preizkusu, ki so ga izvedli Gileadci, da bi v svojih vrstah prepoznali preoblečene Efrajimce ter jih ubili. Zgodovinopisje in pripovedna folklora pa skozi čas in na različnih koncih sveta »beležita« presenetljivo podobne zgodbe, vpete v primerljive kontekste medetničnega prelivanja krvi. V članku je predstavljena obsežna folkloristična primerjalna analiza različnih zgodovinskih primerov uporabe tega jezikovnega preizkusa, pri čemer se zastavlja vprašanje, ali gre pri posameznih pričevanjih za nepovezane pripovedne artefakte ali pa le za posamezne artikulacije (pripovedne ekotipe) sicer občečloveškega in brezčasnega ter v času in prostoru potujočega pripovednega folklornega motiva
Energy potential of geothermal energy in NE Slovenia
Geotermalna energija je toplota, ki nastaja in je shranjena pod površjem Zemlje. Zaradi potenciala za zmanjšanje odvisnosti od fosilnih goriv se je zanimanje za geotermalne vire v zadnjih letih povečalo. V tem magistrskem delu je obravnavano območje severovzhodne Slovenije, ki je zaradi svojih geoloških značilnosti prepoznano kot geotermalno perspektivno. Identificirani so bili vodonosniki termalne vode in njihove značilnosti kakor tudi uporabniki te vode. Zaradi razmeroma nizkih temperatur termalne vode se le-ta uporablja v kaskadnem sistemu, kjer ogrevanju prostorov in sanitarne vode sledi ogrevanje bazenskih kompleksov z balneologijo, uporabljamo tudi daljinsko ogrevanje in ogrevanje rastlinjakov. Pogost razlog za prenehanje uporabe geotermalne vode ni pomanjkanje energije, temveč razpoložljivost vode. Zato je vračanje toplotno izrabljene vode nazaj v vodonosnik ključnega pomena za ohranjanje vodnega ravnovesja in preprečevanje prekomernega izčrpavanja, kar dolgoročno omogoča trajnostno izrabo virov. V okviru magistrskega dela je bila predstavljena simulacija toplotnega in hidravličnega vpliva uporabe geotermalnega dubleta na območju Korovcev. Ugotovitve kažejo, da je numerično modeliranje hidravličnega in temperaturnega odziva nahajališča ključnega pomena za dolgoročno in učinkovito izrabo geotermalne energije.Geothermal energy is heat generated and stored beneath the Earth\u27s surface. The potential to reduce dependence on fossil fuels has led to increased interest in geothermal resources in recent years. This master thesis focuses on an area in north-eastern Slovenia that has been identified as a geothermal prospective area due to its geological characteristics. Thermal water aquifers and their characteristics have been identified, as well as the users of thermal water. Due to the relatively low temperatures of the thermal water, it is used in a cascade system, where space heating and sanitary water heating are followed by heating of swimming pool complexes with balneology, and it is also used for district heating and heating of greenhouses. A common reason for stopping the use of geothermal water is not energy scarcity, but water availability. Therefore, returning the thermally used water back to the aquifer is crucial to maintain the water balance and prevent over-exploitation, thus allowing a sustainable use of the resource in the long term. In the framework of the master thesis, a simulation of the thermal and hydraulic impact of the use of a geothermal doublet in the Korovci area was presented. The findings show that numerical modelling of the hydraulic and temperature response of the deposit is crucial for the long-term and efficient exploitation of geothermal energy
Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
The Cereal Leaf Beetle (CLB), Oulema melanopus [L.], poses a major threat to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production, worsened by insecticide resistance and changing EU pesticide regulations. In 2023, we conducted laboratory and field trials to evaluate five inert dusts (diatomaceous earth, quartz sand, Ailanthus altissima dust, Norway spruce wood ash, and zeolite) against all CLB life stages. We assessed pest abundance, wheat damage index, wheat yield, and grain quality. In the lab, diatomaceous earth was highly effective (96%–100%), followed by Norway spruce wood ash (70.4%–96.7%). Field efficacy was hampered by wet weather, affecting dust applications, although the positive control was effective except against CLB eggs. By the last sampling date, damage indices for diatomaceous earth, A. altissima dust, and wood ash treatments ranged from 3.87 to 4.12, lower than the negative control (4.75 ± 0.02) but higher than the positive control (2.88 ± 0.35). Wheat yield was consistent across all treatments (~5 tons), except for the negative control (4.2 ± 0.86 tons) and A. altissima dust (3.9 ± 0.47 tons). Grain quality showed no significant differences. Our study highlights the potential of various inert dusts against CLB, though wet weather limits their field effectiveness, requiring more applications. Further research is needed to develop practical, sustainable CLB management strategies
The Visoko chronicle: literary-historical interpretation
Visoška kronika ali »labodji spev« klasika slovenske književnosti Ivana Tavčarja po svoji snovi in osrednjih tematskih pramenih sodi v vrsto zgodovinskega romana, h kateremu je mogoče pristopiti interdisciplinarno – z vidika literarnovedne kot zgodovinske stroke – ter po tej poti prikazati oz. soočiti in spojiti različne poglede nanj. V nalogi po eni strani kritično in pregledno predstavimo različne in po mojem mnenju najprodornejše in najzanimivejše interpretacije tega za Tavčarja bistvenega teksta, kakor so se porajale v različnih obdobjih raziskovanja njegovega pripovedniškega opusa, po drugi strani pa nas roman zanima predvsem z ozirom na literarno preoblikovano zgodovinsko snov oz. zgodovinsko izpričano stvarnost 17. stoletja, v katero Tavčar umesti dogajanje svoje pripovedi. Tu se posvečamo obravnavi loškega gospostva, entiteti, ki je zaobjemala in vplivala na razvoj Poljanske doline in širšega škofjeloškega območja, mdr. tudi Visokega pri Poljanah, ter trem zgodovinskim snovem, ki jih tematizira roman: tridesetletni vojni, preganjanju čarovnic in preganjanju protestantov.The Visoko Chronicle, or the "swan song" of the classic of Slovenian literature by Ivan Tavčar, by its material and central thematic sources, belongs to a type of historical novel that can be approached interdisciplinarily - from the point of view of both literary and historical studies - and in this way, different perspectives on it can be presented or confronted and brought together. In this thesis, on the one hand, we critically and clearly present the various and, in my opinion, the most original and interesting interpretations of this essential text for Tavčar, as they emerged in the various periods of research into his narrative oeuvre, while, on the other hand, we are primarily interested in the novel with regard to the literary transformation of historical material, or the historicized reality of the 17th century, in which Tavčar situates the action of his narrative. Here we focus on the Loška manor, an entity that encompassed and influenced the development of the Poljanska valley and the wider Škofjeloško area, including Visoko, and on the three historical themes of the novel: the Thirty Years\u27 War, the persecution of witches and the persecution of Protestants
Player protection approaches in online casinos
Varovanje igralca pred škodljivimi posledicami čezmernega igranja iger na srečo postaja vse bolj pomembno področje igralne industrije. V nalogi so opisani pristopi in orodja, ki jih operaterji lahko uporabijo, da zaščitijo igralce pred škodljivimi učinki igranja iger na srečo. V precej državah je spletno igralništvo pravno urejeno, uporaba orodij za zaščito igralca pa je obvezna. Dostopnost podatkov o igralcu in njegovem vedenju v spletnih igralnicah omogoča naprednejše oblike pristopov k zaščiti igralca, kot sta na primer spremljanje sprememb v vedenju in zgodnje zaznavanje problematičnega vedenja. S ciljem zmanjšati škodljive učinke igranja iger na srečo operaterji lahko posežejo ali pa celo morajo poseči v igralčevo vedenje, za kar se v igralni industriji uporablja izraz intervencija. Izvedene raziskave so potrdile, da je eden od učinkovitih pristopov k zmanjševanju problematičnega vedenja intervencija v obliki povratne informacije. V tej nalogi na podlagi podatkov nizozemskih operaterjev potrdim, da ima povratna informacija prek elektronske pošte pozitiven učinek na zmanjševanje aktivnosti igralca v spletni igralnici tako pri operaterjih s kazino igrami kot pri operaterju s kazino igrami in športnimi stavami. Igralci so po izvedeni intervenciji zmanjšali skupno vrednost in število položenih stav, vrednost posamezne stave, skupno vrednost vplačil in čas, v katerem so bili vpisani v spletno igralnico. Učinka intervencije prek telefonskega klica zaradi pomanjkljivosti analize ni bilo mogoče potrditi.Protecting the player from the harmful effects of excessive gambling is becoming an increasingly important area of the gaming industry. This study outlines approaches and tools that operators can use to protect their players from the harmful effects of gambling. In quite a few countries, online gambling is legally regulated, and the use of tools to protect the player is mandatory. The availability of data about the player and his/her behaviour in online casinos enables more advanced forms of approaches to player protection, such as monitoring changes in player behaviour and early detection of problematic gambling. With the goal of reducing gambling related harm, operators can, or even must, intervene in player behaviour, which is referred to in the gaming industry as intervention. Previous research has confirmed that intervention in form of a feedback has a positive effect on reducing problematic behaviour. Based on data from Dutch operators, I confirm in this study, that email feedback has a positive effect on reducing player activity in an online casino, both for casino games operators and for casino games and sports betting operators. After the intervention, players reduced the total value and the number of bets placed, the value of individual bet, the total value of deposits and the time during which they were logged into the online casino. The effect of the telephone call intervention could not be confirmed due to the shortcomings of the analysis
S trendom naraščanja prebivalstva se velika mesta soočajo s številnimi izzivi na področju urbane mobilnosti in mestne logistike, ki imata velik vpliv tudi na okolje in kakovost življenja meščanov. V literaturi se vse pogosteje uporablja izraz »pametna mesta«, ki uporabljajo najnovejše tehnološke inovacije pri doseganju trajnostnega razvoja, in si skozi digitalno transformacijo in izmenjavo podatkov iz različnih sektorjev pomagajo pri optimizaciji prometnih tokov ter zmanjšanju negativnega vpliva na okolje.
Teoretični del naloge zajema predstavitev razvoja svetovnih pametnih mest skozi različne generacije in konceptne modele, pregled informacijsko komunikacijskih tehnologij (Internet stvari, upravljanje množičnih podatkov, uporaba umetne inteligence, platforme pametnih mest, računalništvo v oblaku) ter inteligentnih transportnih sistemov pri aktivnem upravljanju in predvidljivem nadzoru prometa v pametnih mestih. Obravnava trende na področju mobilnosti (avtonomna vozila, souporaba vozil, mobilnosti kot storitev, električna vozila, uporaba dronov, trajnostne oblike mobilnosti, upravljanje mirujočega prometa) ter identificira socialno ekonomske in geografske vidike stopnje razvoja pametnih prometnih tehnologij.
Empirični del naloge pa je usmerjen v analizo stopnje razvoja pametnih prometnih tehnologij v izbranih mestih (Helsinki, Singapur in Ljubljana) po določenih merilih ter v preučevanje vpliva tehnoloških rešitev na okolje.With the trend of continuous population growth, large cities are facing many challenges in the field of urban mobility and city logistics, which has a great impact on the environment and the quality of life of its citizens. The term "Smart cities" is increasingly used in the literature and it refers to the cities which use the latest technological innovations to achieve sustainable development through digital transformation and exchange of data from various sectors in order to optimize traffic flows and reduce the negative impact on the environment.
The theoretical part of the assignment covers the presentation of the development of global smart cities through different generations and conceptual models, an overview of information and communication technologies (Internet of Things, mass data management, use of artificial intelligence, smart city platforms, cloud computing) and intelligent transport systems as a part of active traffic management and predictive traffic control in smart cities. It discusses trends in the field of mobility (autonomous vehicles, shared mobility, mobility as a service, electric vehicles, use of drones, sustainable forms of mobility, smart parking management) and identifies socio-economic and geographical aspects for development of smart transport technologies around the world.
The empirical part of the task is aimed at analyzing the level of development of smart transport technologies in selected cities (Helsinki, Singapore and Ljubljana) according to chosen criteria and investigating the impact of technological solutions on the environment
Development of an application for improving music perception in children
V diplomski nalogi naslavljamo problem razvoja glasbene percepcije pri otrocih s posebnim poudarkom na sposobnosti prepoznavanja tonskih višin, ki je ključna za razvoj slušnih sposobnosti. Za reševanje tega problema smo razvili aplikacijo Trubadurček, ki vključuje dve interaktivni igri: igro s spominom, kjer otroci razpoznavajo zvoke in sosledja, ter igro z račkami, kjer se račke oglašajo z različnimi toni, cilj pa je razpoznavati tonske višine. V razvojnih fazah smo tesno sodelovali z glasbenimi pedagogi, da bi optimizirali izobraževalni proces in zagotovili, da igre napredujejo v skladu z otrokovimi sposobnostmi. V aplikacijo smo vključili tudi sistem povratnih informacij, ki otrokom omogoča, da razumejo svoje napake in se iz njih učijo.
Evalvacija aplikacije je potekala z uporabo strukturiranega opazovanja in analize odzivov predšolskih otrok, starih med 5 in 6 let. Rezultati so pokazali, da otroci na splošno dobro razumejo funkcionalnosti aplikacije in so izkazali veliko motivacijo ter zanimanje za igro. Opažanja so nakazala, da bi izboljšave v jasnosti navodil in povratnih informacij ob zaključku iger še dodatno podprle učni proces. Težave z gesto drsenja (angl. swiping) so pri igri z račkami pokazale, da bi bilo treba izboljšati intuitivnost gest, kar bi otrokom še dodatno olajšalo interakcijo z aplikacijo.In this thesis, we address the problem of developing musical perception in children, with a particular focus on the ability to recognize pitch, which is essential for their auditory development. To solve this issue, we developed the application "Trubadurček," which includes two interactive games: a memory game where children recognize sounds, and a duck game where ducks make sounds at various pitches, with the goal being to recognize these pitches. Throughout the development process, we worked closely with music educators to optimize the educational process and ensure that the games effectively progressed in line with the children\u27s abilities. We also included a feedback system in the application, which allows children to understand their mistakes and learn from them.
The evaluation of the application was conducted using structured observation and analysis of responses from preschool children aged between 5 and 6 years. The results showed that the children generally understood the functionalities of the application well and demonstrated great motivation and interest in playing the interactive games. However, observations also indicated that improvements in the clarity of instructions and feedback at the end of games would further support the learning process. Additionally, difficulties with the swiping gesture in the duck game suggested that the intuitiveness of gestures needs to be improved to facilitate children\u27s interaction with the application
The role of the horn and the Wagner tuba in Wagner\u27s opera Das Rheingold
Richard Wagner je imel do trobil poseben odnos, kar se odraža tudi pri njegovem skladanju za rog in Wagner tubo. Razvoj roga kot orkestrskega glasbila je do Wagnerjevega časa dosegel že občudovanja vredne rezultate. Predstavitev ventilnega roga je skladateljem romantike omogočalo bolj prilagodljivo skladanje za Omenjeno glasbilo. Tako rog kot Wagner tuba sta v Wagnerjevi največji operni stvaritvi Nibelungov prstan dva izmed poglavitnih nosilcev tem oziroma vodilnih motivov.Richard Wagner had a special relationship with the brass family of instruments, which is also reflected in his composition style for horn and Wagner tuba. The development of the horn as an orchestral instrument had achieved admirable results by Wagner\u27s time. The introduction of the valve horn allowed Romantic composers to compose more flexibly for this instrument. Both the horn and the Wagner tuba are two of the main carriers of themes or accompanying motifs in Wagner\u27s greatest operatic creation, The Ring of the Nibelung
Integration of a fuel cell system in an acrobatic aeroplane
V zaključnem delu smo raziskali uporabo vodika v letalstvu, natančneje aplikaciji gorivnih celic in shranjevanja vodika v akrobatskem letalu. Na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov, za sklad gorivnih celic in ostalih pomožnih komponent, smo postavili enostaven numerični model za preračun masnih in energijskih tokov. Pri tem se je upoštevala začetna zahteva po vsaj 300 kW moči na gredi elektromotorja in trajanju leta 5 min. Z uporabo 3D modelirnika smo v obstoječ okvir akrobatskega letala z motorjem na notranje zgorevanje umestili vse komponente potrebne za predelavo akrobatskega letala. Dimenzije in mase predvidenih komponent so povzete iz specifikacij komercialno dosegljivih produktov. Na podlagi izdelanega modela smo ocenili končno maso in določili težišče obravnavanega sistema. Na koncu smo podali še predloge možnih izboljšav.In the master thesis, we investigated the use of hydrogen in aviation, specifically the application of fuel cells and hydrogen storage in aerobatic aircraft. Based on the data obtained for the fuel cell stack and other auxiliary components, a simple numerical model was built to calculate the mass and energy fluxes. We considered the initial requirement of at least 300 kW of power at the electric motor shaft and a flight duration of 5 min. Using a 3D modeler, all the components required to convert the airplane were fitted into the frame. The dimensions and masses of the intended components are taken from the specifications of commercially available products. Based on the model, the final mass was estimated and the center of gravity of the system was determined. Finally, suggestions for possible improvements are given