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    超離散Somos-4, 5 方程式の初期値問題の解法

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    応用力学研究所研究集会報告No.28AO-S6「非線形波動研究の深化と展開」Reports of RIAM Symposium No.28AO-S6 Deepening and expansion of nonlinear wave scienceProceedings of a symposium held at Chikushi Campus, Kyushu Universiy, Kasuga, Fukuoka, Japan, November 3 - November 5, 2016Somos sequence のうちいくつかは解が係数が正の Laurent 多項式で表されるという性質を持つ. その超離散対応物のうち超離散 Somos-4 および Somos-5 方程式についてその解は初期値の区分線形関数として表されるが, それを凸多角形と対応させ方程式による時間発展を凸多角形間の演算として記述することにより, 任意の初期値に対する一般解を計算する方法を得, 具体的に書き下すことができた

    Hans Driesch und Parapsychologie : Die Tragweite der „Entelechie“ (2)

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    はじめに / 1.超心理学への関心 / 2.『超心理学』 / 3.エンテレヒーと超心理学 / 4.エンテレヒー概念の拡大In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Monografie Parapsychologie. Die Wissenschaft von den „okkulten“ Erscheinungen. Methodik und Theorie von Hans Driesch aus dem Jahre 1932 ausführlich analysiert und erörtert. Hans Driesch interessierte sich seit 1903 für parapsychologische Phänomene wie Hypnotismus, Suggestion, Bewusstseinsspaltung, Telepathie, Hellsehen, Prophetie, Psychometrie, Telekinese, Spuk, Materialisation usw. Seit 1913 war er auch Mitglied der Londoner „Society for Psychical Research“ und von 1926 bis 1927 sogar deren Vorsitzender. Die obengenannte Monografie war das Ergebnis seiner langjährigen Beschäftigung mit der Parapsychologie und gilt als die „erste Methodenlehre“ auf diesem Gebiet. Seit Kants Träumen eines Geistersehers von 1766 hatte die deutsche Philosophie parapsychologische Fragen und paranormale Phänomene völlig außer Acht gelassen. Driesch betont, dass Schopenhauer hier die einzige Ausnahme sei, und zitiert daher ihn als Motto seiner Monografie: „Wer heut zu Tage die Thatsachen des animalischen Magnetismus und seines Hellsehens bezweifelt, ist nicht ungläubig, sondern unwissend zu nennen.“ (Schopenhauer, Parerga I, 1850) In seiner Monographie bemüht sich Driesch zu klären, wie man absichtliche und unabsichtliche Täuschungen bei parapsychologischen Experimenten vermeiden könnte, und versucht sich an der Formulierung einer Theorie der Parapsychologie. Beide Vorhaben sind aber m. E. misslungen. Denn Driesch muss zum einen eingestehen, dass „in keinem einzigen Fall die Untersuchungsbedingungen eine taschenspielerische Täuschung seitens des Mediums oder eines Teilnehmers vollständig“ ausgeschlossen werden konnten. Zum anderen ist die Formulierung einer Theorie der Parapsychologie an sich unmöglich, da Tatsachen über parapsychologische Phänomene nicht genügend bekannt waren, sind und sein werden. Warum hat Driesch dann diese Monografie überhaupt verfasst? Das hängt damit zusammen, dass sein „Entelechie“-Begriff mit der Parapsychologie in einem Punkt in einem engen Zusammenhang steht, denn beide müssen „einen Weg außer dem Raum“ voraussetzen. Bei Phänomenen wie Telepathie und Hellsehen findet der „Erwerb des Wissensinhaltes eines anderen ohne Vermittelung der Sinnesorgane“ statt. „Im Raum, [...] auf Raumeswegen oder durch den Raum hin kann [...] die Übertragung“ des Wissens zwischen dem Agenten (= Sender) und dem Perzipienten (= Empfänger) bei einem paranormalen Wissenserwerb nicht stattfinden. Dies ist auch—wie Driesch bemerkt—bei der Entelechie der Fall: „Wir können geradezu sagen: Entelechie wird von räumlicher Kausalität affiziert und wirkt auf räumliche Kausalität, als wenn sie von jenseits des Raumes herkäme: sie wirkt nicht im Raum, sie wirkt in den Raum hinein; sie ist nicht im Raum, im Raum hat sie nur Manifestationsorte.“ Bei beiden braucht man „nicht von Materie ausgehende, sondern vielmehr, sozusagen, ,in den Raum hineinʻ wirkende Agentien einzuführen“. Hier stellt der Vitalismus also eine Brücke zur Parapsychologie dar. Der Vitalismus Hans Drieschs mit seinem „Entelechie“-Begriff wurde und wird „gelegentlich, in völliger Verkennung der Bedeutung des Wortes“, [...] Mystik genannt. Driesch will mit seiner Monografie die Parapsychologie als eine Wissenschaft darstellen, damit auch sein Vitalismus als eine Wissenschaft verstanden werden soll

    Design Acceptability for Many-objective Optimization : Silent Supersonic Technology Demonstrator as a Task

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    第12回進化計算学会研究会 : 2017年3月13-14日 : 九州大学(福岡


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    応用力学研究所研究集会報告No.28AO-S6「非線形波動研究の深化と展開」Reports of RIAM Symposium No.28AO-S6 Deepening and expansion of nonlinear wave scienceProceedings of a symposium held at Chikushi Campus, Kyushu Universiy, Kasuga, Fukuoka, Japan, November 3 - November 5, 2016Hutchinson-Wright (以下, HW) 方程式はロジスティック方程式に時間遅れを入れた方程式であり, 生物種の数が時間遅れの効果を伴って生物種の増減に影響を及ぼす数理モデルである. HW 方程式の平衡解の安定性は時間遅れのパラメータによって変化することが知られている.本稿では, HW 方程式の離散化の平衡解の大域的安定性と時間遅れのパラメータの関連性について議論する

    Characteristics of New Bacillus thuringiensis Strains Isolated from Soils in the Vicinity of the Baekdu Mountain and Biological Activity against Spodoptera exigua

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    From among 16 B. thuringiensis strains collected and isolated from soils in the vicinity of the Baekdusan mountain, four strains (YN1–1, YN2–6, YN4–2, and YN6–2) that showed high LC95 values for Spodoptera exigua 3rd larvae of 2.43 × 10_6, 7.00 × 10_6, 3.26 × 10_6, and 2.62 × 10_6cfu/ml, respectively, were finally selected. SDS–PAGE experiments were conducted to identify the toxoprotein patterns of the new four strains and, in the results, all the strains showed major bands of ca. 130 kDa, which were changed into ca. 65 kDa through digestion by Spodoptera exigua midgut fluid. To identify the Cry gene compositions of the strains, plasmid DNAs were extracted and PCR was conducted using specific primers (cry1Aa–cry1L). Six genes (cry1Aa, cry1Ab, cry1C, cry1D, cry1I and cry1L) were identified in three strains: YN1–1, 2–6, and 4–2 and the amplification of five genes; cry1Aa, cry1Ac, cry1C, cry1D and cry1L in the YN6–2 strain. All four B. thuringiensis strains were identified as B. thuringiensis subsp. aizawai strains by comparing the H serotypes of 16S rRNA and flagellin (fliC) gene. The possibility of commercialization of YN1–1 strain was examined by insecticidal activity test for the Spodoptera exigua 3rd larvae of six B. thuringiensis pesticide products sold in Korea

    The Effect of Bamboo Biochar on Crop’s Productivity and Quality in The Field Condition

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    Biochar converted from the biomass then applying to soil to improve crop productivity is not a new agricultural technique in the world. Aiming to let farmers know about the benefit of biochar, then expanding biochar utilization in large scale, a field experiment was conducted at Itoshima, Fukuoka city, Japan, in which three root crops namely sweet potato, carrot, and radish were selected and cultivated at three level of bamboo biochar amendment 0% (control), 2% and 4% per soil surface weight (about 30 cm soil depth is expected). Crop’s yield and quality were the main targets, which were analyzed after harvesting. The data we got showed that 4% of bamboo biochar had good effects on both fresh weight and quality (total sugar content; dry matter) of those three crops. The fresh weight increased up to 47.2% for radish and 14.2% for carrot. The dry matter content enhanced from 4.7 to 6.9% for sweet potato; 0.8% for carrot. The total sugar content of sweet potato was enhanced significantly comparing with that of control at p level p<0.05, from 13.6 g/l of control to 18.1 g/l and 26.7 g/l of 2% treatment and 4% treatment, respectively

    [084_01] 法政研究表紙奥付

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    The Optimal Dose and Spraying Method of Chemical Pesticides for Pest Control Effects in Apple Orchards

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    In this study, three apple orchards in Chungnam were selected to review pesticide sprayings conditions, pesticide deposit amounts, and pest control effects while spraying different spray water volumes by the customary methods. In the first orchard, the spray water volume of acetamiprid 8% WP targeting moths used in 2014 was 372 L/10 a and the one used in 2015 was 302 L/10 a, i.e. by about 70 L smaller as compared to the previous year; however, no difference in the control value was observed. Meanwhile, for control of A. citricola, acetamiprid 2.5% wettable powder was used; the spray water volume used in 2014 was 453 L/10 a and the one used in 2015 was 378 L/10 a, i.e. by about 70 L smaller as compared to the previous year. The well–sprayed sections showed pest control effects not lower than 95%, while the poorly sprayed sections showed pest control effects of about 78%. In the second and third orchards, the control target pest was G. molesta and the spraying pesticide used was acetamiprid 8% WP. The spray water volumes used in the second and third orchards were about 349 L and 378 L, respectively, and there was no problem in the control values. For control of A. citricola, imidacloprid 10% wettable powder and flonicamid 10% water–dispersible granules were used as spraying pesticides. The spray water volumes of these two pesticides were 355 L and 380 L per 10 a, respectively, i.e. smaller than the reference volumes; however, no problem in the overall pest control was observed. Therefore, our results suggest that pesticide deposit amounts on water–sensitive papers are proportional to increases in the dose; however, the dose exceeding the appropriate concentration is not related to the deposit amounts

    Efficacy of the Extract from Pongam Leaves (Pongamia pinnata L.) Against Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) and Spodoptera litura Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

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    The beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) and the tobacco armyworm S. litura Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) are economically important insect pests of a variety of crops primarily in tropical and subtropical regions. Conventional control of these pests usually depends on synthetic chemical insecticides. Botanical pesticides have recently been paid considerable attention as an environmentally friendly measure to manage various insect pests. The present study was carried out to determine the efficacy of a leaf extract from pongam tree Progamia pinnata L. against the two armyworms. The results showed that the acute lethal toxicity of pongam leaf extract was high against the two armyworm species; the LC50 values were 1.94%, 1.52% and 1.10% at 24, 48 and 72 hours, respectively for S. litura whereas the values for S. exigua larvae were 3.18%, 2.57% and 1.89% at 24, 48 and 72 hours, respectively. Our study also indicated that low concentrations of pongam leaf extract caused significant reductions of vitality of the armyworms; they took more time to mature during the larval stage. Taken together, the treatment with a pongam leaf extract can negatively affect the armyworm populations directly and indirectly, and cause a reduction of overall pest numbers in the next generation. Thus, the pongam leaf extract is a recommendable bio–pesticide to control the armyworms

    A Tibetan Stupa within the Flow of Cultural Transformations : The Opportunities and Challenges of Transplanting Buddhist Architecture from Asia to Europe

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    1.Introduction 2.The Tibetan Type of Stupa, the Mchod rten in Nepal 3.Contemporary Tibetan Stupas in Europe-A Brief Summary 4.The Stupa in the Rhododendron Park of Bremen, Germany 5.The Stupa as an Exhibit within the Asiatic Landscape 6.Construction History of the Bremen Stupa 7.The Symbolism of Stupa in this Extraordinary Context 8.The Stupa and the Garden of Human Rights 9.Some Conflicts & Political and Economic Aspects 10.Transformations on Many Levels 11.Concluding RemarksStupas are among the key visual representations of Buddhism, having developed from ancient reliquaries into complex structures with deep, multilayered symbolism. What happens when these outstanding pieces of Buddhist material culture travel to other continents, especially when non-Buddhists build them on public grounds? Do their spiritual values, symbolic meanings, and religious significance remain unchanged, or are altogether new levels of meaning added? This essay participates in ongoing debates over the transformation of art and architecture within cultural flows between Europe and Asia. Based on a case study of a Tibetan byang chub mchod rten (Enlightenment stupa) in a public park in Germany, it addresses some of the key issues and discussions that arise when an ancient tradition is emplaced in a new cultural context


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