23247 research outputs found
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Gnathometric analysis in patients with impacted maxillary canines
Impaction is a pathological condition defined as the failure of a tooth to erupt into the oral cavity within the time and physiological limits of the normal eruptive process.
Objective: To determine the dimensions of the teeth and the dimensions of the dental arches in patients with impaction of the maxillary canines.
Material and method: Orthodontic study models from 60 male and female subjects aged 11 to 18 years with unilateral and bilateral impaction of maxillary canines were examined. The control group for gnathometric analysis consisted of 60 subjects with normally erupted maxillary canines of the same age. The following parameters were analyzed: mesiodistal tooth width, inter-premolar width, inter-molar width, and height of the maxillary dental arch.
Results: Among the patients in the study group (SG), 36.7% had an impacted maxillary canine 13, and 21.7% had an impacted maxillary canine 23. Bilateral impaction of maxillary canines 13 and 23 was present in 41.7%. Unilateral impaction of maxillary canines was recorded in 58.4% of the study group. A significant association was found between bilateral/unilateral impaction versus buccal/palatal impaction for p.05. The average age of patients with unilateral impaction was 15.2±2.2 years, and the average age of patients with bilateral impaction was 13.1±1.9 years. A significant difference was confirmed between the average age of subjects with unilateral and bilateral impaction (Mann-Whitney U Test, p=0.007947). The difference registered between the groups for mesiodistal tooth width on the models according to the Mann-Whitney U Test was significant for p.05 (Mann-Whitney U Test, p=.435731). The average height of the maxillary dental arch was 26.5±2.5 in the study group, while in the control group, it was higher at 27.8±2.9. The difference between the average values of the height of the maxillary dental arch in both groups was significant for p<.05 (Mann-Whitney U Test, p=.002253). Conclusion: There is a significant association between bilateral/unilateral impaction in relation to the side of buccal/palatal impaction position. There is no significant association between bilateral/unilateral impaction in relation to gender. Female patients are twice as likely to develop impacted maxillary canines compared to male patients. The average age of patients with unilateral impaction is 15.2±2.2 years, while the average age of patients with bilateral impaction is 13.1±1.9 years. There is a significant difference in the mesiodistal dimensions of teeth 16,13, 21, and 23 between the two groups studied. The total sum of mesiodistal dimensions of the teeth is greater in patients with impacted maxillary canines. The anterior width of the maxilla is significantly smaller in patients with impaction. There is no significant difference in the posterior width of the maxillary dental arch between the two groups. There is a significant difference in the height of the maxillary dental arch between the two groups, with a lower height in patients with impacted maxillary canines.
Keywords: Impacted maxillary canines, tooth dimensions, jaw dimension
Determination of free hydrocyanic acide in homemade produced fruit brandies
Fruit brandy is a traditional alcoholic drink in the Republic of N. Macedonia, but also in other Balkan countries, which are produced by distillation of fermented fruits (plum, apricot, peach, apple, etc), traditioanally (homemade) or industrially. In this study, the content of free hydrocyanic acid was determined in 24 homemade samples of fruit brandys. in order to determine safety for consumption. Hydrocyanic acid (HCN), called hydrogen cyanide, is formed in the brandy during alcoholic fermentation, as a result of enzymatic hydrolysis of cyanogenic glycosides that are present in the seed of the fruit from which the brandy is produced. The free HCN content was determined spectrophotometrically using a pyridine-pyrazolone reagent [1].. From the obtained results it can be observed that the content of free hydrocyanic acid depends on the type of fruit (stone fruit or seed fruit), the type of fermentation as well as the contact time between the seed and the pulp during the fermentation. The highest content of free HCN was determined in brandies produced from apricot and ranged from 1.012 µg/L to 9.372 µg/L, compared to brandies obtained from apples in which the content of free hydrocyanic acid was the lowest and ranged from 0.010 µg/L to 0.098 µg/L. It was also observed that all brandies contained free hydrocyanic acid below the maximum allowed limit (< 70 µg/L) and were safe for consumption
Genuine anodic and cathodic current components in cyclic voltammetry
Implicit anodic and cathodic current components associated with the real net current at a given potential of a simple quasireversible electrode reaction can be accurately estimated using basic mathematical modeling within the framework of Butler-Volmer electrode kinetics. This methodology requires only prior knowledge of the formal potential of the dissolved redox couple, offering direct insight into the electrode kinetics. The proposed approach facilitates a unique transformation of a conventional cyclic voltammogram, allowing the replacement of the common, net current with authentic anodic and cathodic current components. This simple methodology introduces a novel perspective in analyzing voltammetric data, particularly enabling the kinetic characterization of fast, seemingly electrochemically reversible electrode processes on macroscopic electrodes at slow scan rates. Theoretical predictions are experimentally demonstrated using the electrode reaction for the reduction of the hexaammineruthenium(III) complex, serving as an example of one of the fastest electrode processes involving a dissolved redox species
Characterization and introduction of new tomato hybrids
The determination of the organoleptic characteristics in tomato Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. is a significant part in the basic needs and requirements of the market, but also in increasing the export potential.
The aim of the research is the selection of new red tomato hybrids Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. According to their organoleptic, morphological and sensory characteristics, for possible commercialization. In the research,23 coded new indeterminate hybrids of red tomato were analysed and compared with 5 already present commercial hybrids (Brave F1, Adriatik F1, Matissimo F1, Alamina RZ F1, Signora F1). The tomato was produced from seedlings by a registered nursery grower Agro Koni, and it was planted in sheltered areas at a grower in Tirana, Albania. The properties that were examined: tomato earliness (1 late / 5 early), plant strength (1 weak / 5 strong), internodes length (1 long / 5 short), fruit quality (1 bad / 5 excellent), fruit size (1 small/ 5 large), as well as fruit color, fertility potential (yield), as well as overall evaluation of the plants in a rank from 1 (bad) to 5 (excellent). The relationships between analysed properties, descriptive and the variance’s analysis provided an insight into those hybrids that satisfy the methodological requirements. Based on the results and
determination of new hybrids with improved properties from the existing ones, the needs of the market and consumers are influenced. According to the genetic potential and phenotypic characteristics, 3 new hybrids (TME221276, TME220244 and TME220245) were determined, which satisfied the examined criteria, thus giving the opportunity to be included in the cluster of commercial hybrids on the market
Characteristics, Legal Nature and Taxation of Management Contracts According to the Macedonian Law
Managerial contracts are essentially synthesis of
the power of management and the power of the leadership of
the company. The conclusion of management contracts is not
a simple and routine task which the contracting parties will
easily access or, on the other hand, they will assign that task to other (third) persons
Значење на функцијата планирање во финансиското одлучување во претпријатијата од туристичкиот сектор во Република Македонија
Планирањето е вовед во селектирање на намерите и целите, а воедно прва активност за
успешно спроведување на наведеното. Резултат од процесот на планирање се плановите.
Многуте елементи кои влегуваат во плановите, пред да бидат земени на разгледување, треба да
бидат детално селектирани. Плановите се прават за различни интервали. Во нив силно се
имплицирани не само новите идеи туку и осетливоста, опременоста на работното место и така
натака. Треба да се апострофира дека планот е средство за акција и начин за остварување на
целта. Доколку планирањето е ефикасно дотолку може да се очекува и негова успешна
Значењето на пријателството и осаменоста во меѓуврсничките релации, прикажано во македонската книжевност за деца и млади
Луѓето се социјални битија за кои социјалната комуникација со другите луѓе е од витално значење. Обично, кога ќе се спомене зборот „осаменост“, првата асоцијација е поврзана со повозрасни луѓе, или луѓе во поодмината возраст. Но, факт е дека осаменоста не може да се поврзе конкретно со одредена возраст кај човекот. Исклучок од тоа не се ни децата ни адолесцентите. Адолесценцијата е период на транзиција, во кој младите се соочени со многу нови предизвици, како во семејството така и во училиштетто. Оттука, од круцијално значење за младиот човек е да има хармонични односи во семејството, а особено да воспостави пријателски односи во училиштето, на местата каде младите излегуваат и слично. На тој начин, пријателството со врсниците може да им го олесни стресот поврзан со училиштето, оценките, изгледот кој им се менува „преку ноќ“ и сл. Во оваа статија, се осврнуваме кои тие неколку клучни моменти, преку соодветни примери кои ќе ги ексципираме од современата македонска книжевност за деца и млади
Proposed Model for Improving Quality in the Hotel Industry in the Republic of North Macedonia
The problem investigated in this paper refers to the state and improvement of the business processes in organizations from the hotel industry in the R. N. Macedonia and determining the level of maturity in relation to the strategy of TQM (Total Quality Management), which represents a new approach in management, in the direction of continuous improvement of the quality of all activities of the organizations. The research itself was realized through the analysis of the existing situation in the hotel industry, determination of the possibilities for the improvement of business processes and a model for their improvement was proposed. Basic prerequisites for the introduction of the TQM system in the hotel enterprise are: marketing orientation of the hotel; existence of a quality program and readiness of all subjects in the enterprise for its introduction; establishing an organization of operations that enables the introduction of such a system; and electronic operation of the hotel
A framework for Green Industrial Policies in the Western Balkan: GIP in North Macedonia (country report)
Competitiveness growth, fostering fair and equitable growth, decarbonising the economy, and preserving the environment stand prominently as priorities in North Macedonia's national interests.
Possibilities to re-shape economic and social policies, lays in continuous improvement of the business environment, support to private sector competitiveness based on knowledge and innovation, and adjustment towards new challenges and EU requirements. Efforts are underway to refine and concretise the integration of green transition and circular economy within existing and new strategies closely related to original Industrial policy concept, opening new business opportunities.
Green Transition and Climate Change considerations in the Republic of North Macedonia are mainstreamed into a bundle of national strategic documents and legal acts, but still efforts are needed for a comprehensive legislative framework for climate adaptation and resilience. Along with other Western Balkans states, North Macedonia has signed the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda, which commits to pursue the target of a carbon-neutral continent by 2050, along with the rest of the EU.
This reform agenda is complemented by gradual shift to greening the economy and life, decreasing pollution and human impact on environment as well as ensuring the connections of the regional transport and energy systems with the European ones.
As a contracting party to the Energy Community Treaty, North Macedonia must harmonize its energy and climate legislation with the EU law and adopt a National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP), reflecting the country’s efforts to achieve energy and climate objectives. The regulatory framework for climate change mitigation and adaptation is emerging with the draft Law on Climate Action (LCA) under adoption procedure (as of December 2023) and the Law on Environment providing legal basis for the mitigation planning and establishment of the national GHG inventory system. The National Development Strategy 2024 -2044 has been drafted and is expected to become an overarching policy document for the country, including for the climate change agenda
Ergonomic workstation design in automotive car seats production
Musculoskeletal disorders are one of the most common work-related illnesses. At the European level, they affect the health of millions of workers, and at the same time, the employers themselves pay high costs for their compensation. According to data from the automotive industry, the costs of introducing ergonomic controls at the initial stage of production design are significantly lower than the costs of compensating musculoskeletal disorders. Along with the implementation of ergonomic controls at an early stage, the risks of developing work-related musculoskeletal disorders are reduced or eliminated.
The need for a scientific research approach in the implementation of ergonomic controls is imposed as one of the most significant ways to deal with musculoskeletal disorders and improving safety , wellbeing and effectiveness of employees.
This paper analyzes the ergonomic risks among employees in the automotive car seats production as well as the control mechanisms that can reduce or eliminate the occurrence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)