402 research outputs found

    IS-01 Global Challenge on Veterinary Profession

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    PF-32 Radiography Assessment of Femoral Muscle and Bone Density in Rats as Response to Biodegradable Iron (Fe) Porous Implants

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    Iron (Fe) is considered as one group of metals that can be used as degradable metal implants (Schinhammer et al. 2010). Previous implantation studies have used porous Fe which purposes to increase the rate of degradation (Daud and Hermawan 2013). Changes in the condition of metal implants due to degradation and peri-implant muscle tissue reactions in the body can be observed using radiographic modality (Noviana et al. 2013). The aim of this study was to assess the radiographic density of implants, peri-implants and peri-implants-muscle as a response to Fe porous implants on the femur of the rats.

    PF-30 Anatomical Characteristic of Hindlimb Skeleton of Sumatran Rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis)

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    Sumatran rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) is an endangered animal in Indonesia. Currently, Sumatran rhino only found on Sumatera and Kalimantan in very small populations. These herbivorous animals are classified into the order of Perissodactyla (odd-toed animals) and family Rhinocerotidae [1]. Sumatran rhino is one of the largest living land mammals, reaching 1000 kg [1], although this species has the smallest body weight among all extant rhinos. This animal has a round and long body shape, relatively short legs with three digits on each leg. These body structures correspond to their habitat in the highlands, so the Sumatran rhino has an excellent ability to pass steep terrain [2]. For this reason, a strong hind limb structure is needed to push the body when walking, running and climbing the steep slopes. Therefore, this study was carried out in order to analyze the correlation between the Sumatran rhino’s hind limb skeleton and its functional roles

    PCS-6 Preparation and Application of Nano Chitosan Particles as Adjuvan in Rabies Vaccination Based on Anti-Idiotype Antibody

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    Rabies is a fatal disease to humans and animals, but can be controlled by prophylaxis administration before being exposed. One type of vaccine that can be utilized is an anti-idiotype antibody vaccine originating from IgY purification of chicken egg yolk. The use of vaccine additives in the form of adjuvants is very important to improve the effectiveness of vaccines [1].Chitosan is non-toxic, easily synthesized, safe to use and able to induce an immune response by activating macrophages. Chitosan can modulate dendritic cell maturation so that it can induce interferon interactions and stimulate activity of T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes. Chitosan can be made in the form of chitosan nanoparticles that can be used to deliver drugs and vaccines through inhalation pathways, orally, intravenously and as non-viral gene delivery vectors. In the oral delivery of chitosan nanoparticles are able to overcome the problem of solubility, protect the drug from enzymatic degradation, controlled release, and extend the time of action in the bloodstream through ionic mechanisms with mucin. Inhalation of chitosan 0.5mg/ml with influenza vaccine produces a good response [2-4].In this work, the preparation of chitosan nanostructures and their application as adjuvan in antibody anti-idiotype rabies vaccination were reviewed

    PCS-12 Complex Oligosaccharide Detected in the Lingua of Hystrix javanica by Lectin Histochemistry

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    Hystrix javanica or usually called Sunda porcupine is wildlife animal that only found in Java, Bali, Sumbawa, Flores, Lombok, Madura, and Tonahdjampea (Indonesia) [1]. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) has classified this Rodentia into Least Concern criteria, that means the species is relatively widespread and abundant [2]. Nevertheless, their population in nature was threatened, since this mammal was considered as pest by some people.There were anatomical data of Sunda porcupine organ, but it still limited. One of the ways to determine the detail function of the organ can be done by making histological preparations. Lectin histochemistry has been used widely as a probe to detect sugar residues in the organs or tissues because lectin can bind specifically to carbohydrate residues in term of glycoconjugates [3]. Analysis the composition or type of sugar residues in the organs can help to understanding the role of their function.The aims of this study were to detect and find out the distribution of complex oligosaccharide in the lingua of Hystrix javanica using lectin histochemistry method. This data will completes the information that has been obtained before about mucopolysaccharide type of major salivary glands of Hystrix javanica [4]

    AEVI-15 Investigasi Outbreak Avian Influenza (AI) pada Peternakan Puyuh di Kecamatan Tenayan Raya Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2018

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    Kejadian AI di Indonesia telah terjadi di beberapa Provinsi. Provinsi Riau khususnya Kota Pekanbaru adalah daerah endemis AI, dan dilaporkan sejak tahun 2008. Pada Tahun 2014, kejadian penyakit Avian Influenza di Kota Pekanbaru tidak lagi terjadi wabah melainkan hanya bersifat sporadis. Tercatat beberapa kasus laporan kematian burung puyuh dari masyarakat maupun peternak sejak tahun 2014, dan hasilnya adalah negatif Avian Influenza.Tujuan kegiatan adalah menyelidiki kejadian kematian burung puyuh di Kelurahan Tuah Negeri Kecamatan Tenayan Raya dan melakukan pengumpulan data epidemiologis sehingga diketahui penyebab/sumber penularan kematian burung puyuh di kelurahan tersebut, mengidentifikasi faktor resiko dan menentukan langkah-langkah pengendalian

    PF-10 Antimicrobial Resistance of Bacterial Strains Isolated from Layer Chicken on Poultry Village in North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

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    Egg of Layer chicken is one of the main income and protein sources at Kampung Unggas in North Lombok. Kampung Unggas is Village which produce and supply egg for Three Gili as tourist destination in Lombok Island. They are Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, and Gili Air. Farmers in Kampung Unggas are used several antibiotics for treating infections in poultry. The use of antimicrobials in chicken farm in Lombok Island can facilitate the antimicrobial resistant. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is not a recent phenomenon, but it is rising concern for both public and animal health [1].Chicken farmers in the study region are mostly family run and they don’t have good bio security and sanitation procedure. Knowledge of farmer on antimicrobials resistance are very low and they are often kept free ranged among other animals and people. This means that the risk of contamination to food and water from bacteria and other pathogen infected poultry is high. Many farmers in Kampung unggas have other poultry, mostly ducks, in the same enclosure as their Chickens. The closeness between many different animals and humans as well as the short distance to temperate water, without cleaning or buffering stages, is a concern both in disease transmission and antibiotic resistance development [2].In Indonesia, study on 35 sampels of broiler meat and chicken meat from 9 distric in Bogor showed that prevalence E. coli 97.4% from broiler meat and 71.1% chicken meat resistance with Ampisilin, Enrofloksasin, Teterasiklin, Eritromisin, Streptomisin, Gentamisin, Kloramfenikol, Sefatotin, Trimetoprim-Sulfametoksasol, Nalidixid Acid [3]. According by [4] from 66 layer chicken 44% and from 35 broiler chicken 97.1% E. coli  resistance with Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride, Chloramphenicol, Dihydrosreptomycin, Sulfadimethoxine Kanamycine and Aminobenzyl-penicillin.Based on thus facts, it is very important to know prevalence and antimicrobial resistance on bacterial strains  isolated from Layer chicken and knowledge of antibiotic resistance among farmers on Poultry Village in North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia for effective medical treatment of humans and poultry. Further, knowing the reasons for chicken farmers to treat their animals and which types of antibiotics chosen can facilitate prevention of antimicrobial resistance development

    PF-25 Cub Scout Leader Gathering for Zoonoses Awareness: A model for Community Participatory Program for Zoonotic Diseases Control in Indonesia

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    Outbreaks of zoonotic diseases such as avian influenza and rabies during the last decade have caused fatalities and fear among people in Indonesia. The Government of Indonesia, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), as well as other international and domestic NGOs have been working together to control those diseases and prevent human pandemic. However, the zoonotic disease control programs will not succeed without active participation of local communities including young people.Indonesia Scout Movement (Gerakan Pramuka) is a non-formal educational organization having more than 20 million members that serve educational process outside the school and outside the family using basic principles and methods of scouting (GOI 2010). Members of Gerakan Pramuka consist young people of different age categories namely  Cub Scouts/Siaga (ages 7 to 10 y.o), Scouts/ Penggalang (ages 11 to 15 y.o), Rover Scouts/ Penegak  (ages 16 to 20 y.o), Pandega (ages 21 to 25 y.o), and Adult members/Pembina  (ages > 25 y.o, or married person).Nowadays, Gerakan Pramuka has more than 20 millions members distributed in all districts in Indonesia, and thus may become a potential media to enhance young people awareness on zoonotic diseases control programs. Dissemination of information on the diseases and its prevention can be done through scout regular events such as Pesta Siaga  (Cub Scout Gathering), Jamboree (Scout Gathering), Raimuna (Rover Scout Gathering), and Karang Pamitran (Adult Scout member Gathering).Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, IPB, in collaboration with IPB Student Scouting Activity Unit, has developed a model for the community participatory program for zoonotic diseases control in Indonesia through scouting activities. Cub Scout Leader Gathering for Avian Influenza Awareness is a scout event that designed as a method for dissemination of information regarding prevention of avian influenza transmission to school age children and their relatives

    MP-17 Avian Influenza Virus-H5N1 Is Circulating Among Backyard Chicken in Marga District, Tabanan Regency, Bali

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    Avian Influenza or bird flu is ani nfectious pandemic disease (Horimoto and Kawaoka, 2001). AI viruses can cause high mortality in poultry and infect humans in Indonesia (Daniels et al., 2013). Pet and backyard animals can be infected with the HPAI-H5N1 virus (Mahardika et al., 2018).  Monitoring of the virus needs to be done so that the Avian Influenza outbreak casesare not occurred. Isolation of AI virus can be done on 9-day-old hatched chicken eggs injected through the allantois’ space. The virus can be tested by hemagglutination (HA/HI) and Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Rection (RT-PCR) tests (FAO, 2014)


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