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    Children’s Character Learning Model Based on Indonesian Local Wisdom: Implemented to Early Childhood Education in Play Centers

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    Character education can equip young children to become Indonesia's golden generation who are superior and skilled in noble work. This research aims to produce an early childhood character learning model based on local Indonesian wisdom through the Playing Center title which will be implemented at Early Childhood Education Institutions (ECE) in Indonesia. This research method uses the steps of the Borg and Gall research and development model. The subjects in this research were 30 teachers from five ECE institutions in the DKI Jakarta area. The data used as the basis for building a framework for early childhood character learning models based on local intelligence were collected using observation and interview techniques. The findings show that the teacher prepares a learning plan program at the beginning of each semester which is listed in the weekly program and daily program. However, the teacher has not fully prepared a simulation program that leads directly to the introduction of early childhood character. Identification of character values ​​in early childhood is done by providing examples of behavior and speech at school. The media that has been used to identify children's characters is through posters and non-digital story books. The learning environment needs to be improved because teachers have not been optimal in organizing the play environment in providing stimulation to children in class. The results of this research will enrich the character education model following the potential of the institution and the cultural background of early childhood as Indonesia's golden generation. Keywords: character learning model, local wisdom, play center, early childhood References: 1    Abu Nawas, M. Z., Sulaiman, U., Darnanengsih, D., & Rusyaid, R. (2022). Harmony in The Frame of Local Wisdom “One Furnace-Three Stones” in Education. Dinamika Ilmu, 22(1), 109–130. https://doi.org/10.21093/di.v22i1.4284 Anderson-McNamee, J. K., & Bailey, S. J. (2010). The Importance of Play in Early Childhood Development. MontGuides, 1–4. Anderson, R., & Thomas, H. (2021). Engaging With Play-Based Learning. The Journal Of Teacher Action Research, 7(2), 56–69. Aningsih, Zulela, M. S., Neolaka, A., Iasha, V., & Setiawan, B. (2022). How is the Education Character Implemented? The Case Study in Indonesian Elementary School. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 12(1), 371–380. https://doi.org/10.36941/jesr-2022-0029 Betawi, A. (2020). Calling for character education: promoting moral integrity in early childhood education in Jordan. Early Child Development and Care, 190(5), 738–749. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2018.1489383 Borg, W. R., & Gall, M. D. (1983). Educational Research: An Introduction (4th Editio). Longman Inc. Bredemeier, B. L., & Shields, D. L. (2019). 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Dimensions of early childhood character education based on multicultural and community local wisdom. International Journal of Instruction, 13(2), 365–380. https://doi.org/10.29333/iji.2020.13225a Hasani, A. (2016). Educational Research and Reviews Enhancing Argumentative Writing Skill Through Contextual Teaching and Learning. Academic Journals, 11(16), 1573–1578. https://doi.org/10.5897/ERR2016.2806 Hoorn, J. Van, Nourot, P. M., Scales, B., & Alward, K. R. (2014). Play at the Center of the Curriculum (J. W. Johnston, J. Peters, & A. Hall (eds.); Sixth). Pearson. Ima, W., Pattiasina, J., & Sopacua, J. (2023). Model to increase motivation and learning outcomes in learning history. Journal of Education and Learning, 17(2), 206–214. https://doi.org/10.11591/edulearn.v17i2.20703 Jumiaan, I., Alelaimat, A., & Ihmeideh, F. (2020). Kindergarten teachers’ knowledge level of developmentally appropriate practice in Jordan. 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Development of Learning Models in Web Programming Courses With Computer-Based Learning Tutorials. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 24(2), 232–244. https://doi.org/10.17718/tojde.1081507 Mulyadi, B. (2019). Model Pendidikan Karakter Anak Usia Dini Dan Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar Di Jepang. Kiryoku, 3(3), 141. https://doi.org/10.14710/kiryoku.v3i3.141-149 NAEYC. (2012). Technology and Interactive Media as Tools in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8. Children, January, 1–15. http://www.naeyc.org/positionstatements Nuraeni, L., Andrisyah, A., & Nurunnisa, R. (2019). Efektivitas Program Sekolah Ramah Anak dalam Meningkatkan Karakter Anak Usia Dini. Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 4(1), 20. https://doi.org/10.31004/obsesi.v4i1.204 Nurani, Y., & Pratiwi, N. (2018). Pembelajaran Tematik Integratif Berbasis Karakter Dalam Menstimulasi Keterampilan Vokasional Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun. 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    Early Empathy: Impact of Digital Storytelling, Traditional-Storytelling, and Gender on Early Childhood

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    Stories are good media for enhancing emotional intelligence and empathy. Therefore, early childhoods know how to empathize with the figure of the story through storytelling. This research objective is to investigate the impact of digital storytelling and traditional storytelling as a learning media and gender on empathy in early childhood. This research is experimental with treatment by level 2 x 2 research design. The data collection instrument uses an observation sheet in the form of an early childhood empathy Rating Scale. The results of this research showed children who got the digital storytelling intervention had more empathy than children who got the traditional storytelling. Moreover, digital storytelling is more suitable for fostering empathy in the male gender compared with traditional storytelling. On another hand, traditional story-telling is more suitable for enhancing empathy in the female gender

    Implementation of Early Childhood Education Kits in Higher Education Student Learning: Ex-post Facto Study of Open University Students

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    The ECE kit is practical and has benefits in the lecture process for The Open University ECE Bachelor's study program, which aims to produce professional ECE teachers who can work globally. This research aims to see the results of implementing the ECE kit 2023 from the perspective of students as ECE kit users. This research is an ex-post facto research with 890 student participants who completed the ECE kit implementation questionnaire. The results of the research show that the use of the ECE kit can liven up the learning atmosphere in the classroom. The use of ECE kits as effective media in student teaching practice classes has an impact on learning outcomes. Most students who use ECE kits (52.4%) strongly agree that it is easier for students in their class to understand learning themes if they use ECE kits. Also, 60.1% of students strongly agreed that using ECE kits made students more enthusiastic—teaching practice students. Students in teaching student classes are motivated and enthusiastic about participating in learning with the APE in the ECE kit. Keywords: early childhood education, learning kits, higher education students, open university References: Apriani, R. (2019). The Effect of Learning Media and Interest In Learning on English Learning Outcomes. English Journal, 13(2), 68. https://doi.org/10.32832/english.v13i2.3780 Beale, J. (2020). Educational neuroscience and educational neuroscientism. In The ‘BrainCanDo’ Handbook of Teaching and Learning (pp. 17–32). David Fulton Publishers. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429197741-1 Chandrawati, T. (2018). How Online Tutorial can Help Distance Education Students to be more Active in Their Learning. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Early Childhood Education. Semarang Early Childhood Research and Education Talks (SECRET 2018). https://doi.org/10.2991/secret-18.2018.24 Doliente, C. J. O., Tual, D.-X., Paglinawan, Z. B., Naparan, J. 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Penggunaan Alat Permainan Edukatif (APE) pada Taman Kanak-kanak Se-Kota Metro. AWLADY : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak, 5(1), 20. https://doi.org/10.24235/awlady.v5i1.3831 Hekmatiar, Y., & Umam, C. (2020). Effects of Learning Media And Vocabulary Mastery Towards Reading English Text Skill. Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature (JELTL), 3(1), 33–40. https://doi.org/10.47080/jeltl.v3i1.784 Helgetun, J. B., & Decuypere, M. (2023). One thing can be more than one thing: a comparative study of the teacher professionalization app ‘TeacherTapp.’ Learning, Media and Technology, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1080/17439884.2023.2226876 Kamaliya, D. H., Tukiran, & Indana, S. (2022). Profile of Electronic and Digital Media Learning Implementation During 2018-2022. IJORER : International Journal of Recent Educational Research, 3(3), 354–363. https://doi.org/10.46245/ijorer.v3i3.213 Kulsum, U. (2021). Hybrid Learning Time Modification Can Improve Learning Activity And Learning Outcomes. SCHOOL EDUCATION JOURNAL PGSD FIP UNIMED, 11(3), 263–268. https://doi.org/10.24114/sejpgsd.v11i3.27922 Muhammad, H. N., Hidayat, T., Ridwan, M., & Wibowo, S. (2022). The Effect of Stop Motion Learning Media on Learning Motivation. AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan, 14(3), 4637–4644. https://doi.org/10.35445/alishlah.v14i3.2264 Mweene, P., & Muzaza, G. (2020). Implementation of Interactive Learning Media on Chemical Materials. Journal Educational Verkenning, 1(1), 8–13. https://doi.org/10.48173/jev.v1i1.24 Nurkanti, M., Utari, T. S. G., & Devi, C. (2018). Improve Student Learning Outcomes Through The Use of Interactive Visual Learning Media (MIVI). Improving Educational Quality Toward International Standard. https://doi.org/10.5220/0008679500640068 Nurwidaningsih, L., Hastuti, I., & Rohmalina, R. (2019). Upaya Meningkatkan Pembelajaran Sains Melalui Permainan Terapung dan Tenggelam Dengan Media Telut pada Kelompok A. 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Transdisciplinary Cross-Sectoral Competency-Based Academic Curriculum Design of Speech Language Therapy (Logopedics) Study Program Including Supervised Research- And Evidence-Based Activities. ICERI2019 Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.21125/iceri.2019.2862 Wafi, F., & Safri, M. (2023). The Importance Of Application Of Learning Media To The Process Of Student Development. International Journal of Students Education, 354–357. &nbsp

    The Effect of Differentiated Learning Models on the Problem-Solving Abilities of Children Aged 5-6 Years

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    It is important to develop problem-solving abilities in early childhood because in everyday life children will be faced with various problems that must be resolved. Teachers must create a conducive and more creative environment to motivate children to solve problems. This research aims to determine whether there is an influence of the differentiation learning model on the problem-solving abilities of children aged 5-6 years. The research approach used is a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental design type of research and designing experiments that include an experimental group and a control group. Data collection techniques include tests, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used consisted of prerequisite tests and an Independent Sample t-test with a population of 41 children. From the results of the analysis of the Independent Sample T-test, it can be proven that the results of the research hypothesis that has been formulated are that there is a difference in the average problem-solving abilities of children aged 5-6 years because Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, that is, there is the influence of the differentiation learning model. about the problem-solving abilities of children aged 5-6 years. Researchers propose that instructors who are interested in applying a diversified learning strategy construct a variety of activities to better assess learning and potential based on the research that has been conducted. The inclinations of every student are based on their unique abilities and interests. It is advised that future researchers wishing to perform comparable studies choose tasks that are more suited for monitoring youngsters between the ages of five and six to study their problem-solving skills. Keywords: problem-solving ability, differentiated learning, children aged 5-6 years References: Amini, A., Manangsang, A., Wahyudin, A., Susanti, E., & ... (2023). Application of Differentiated Learning to Increase Active Participation of Class XI Students of SMA Negeri 1 Palembang in Civics Subjects. Innovative: Journal of Social Science Research, 3, 6136–6145. http://j-innovative.org/index.php/Innovative/article/view/1077%0Ahttps://j-innovative.org/index.php/Innovative/article/download/1077/805 Anggraini, W., Nasirun, M., & Yulidesni. (2020). Application of Problem Solving Strategies in Improving Cognitive Abilities in Group B Children. Potentia Scientific Journal, 5(1), 31–39. https://doi.org/10.33369/jip.5.1.31-39 Chen, J., Zou, Y., Sun, Y. H., & ten Cate, C. (2020). On problem solving and the evolution of cognitive abilities through mate choice: a reply to Camacho-Alpízar et al. (2020). Animal Behavior, 165, e5–e7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2020.05.003 Faiz, A., Pratama, A., & Kurniawaty, I. (2022). Differentiated Learning in the Teacher Mobilization Program in Module 2.1. Basicedu Journal, 6(2), 2846–2853. https://doi.org/10.31004/basicedu.v6i2.2504 Fatmawati, & Latif, MA (2019). Implementation of the Central Learning Model in Amal Insani Yogyakarta Kindergarten. The Golden Age: The Scientific Journal of Early Childhood Development, 4(2), 25–34. https://doi.org/10.14421/jga.2019.42-03 Herman, & Rusmayadi. (2018). The Influence of the Project Method on the Cognitive Abilities of Group B2 Children at Kindergarten Aisyiyah Maccini Tengah. LEARNING: Journal of Education, Teacher Training and Learning, 2(1), 35. https://doi.org/10.26858/pembelajar.v2i1.5430 Herwina, W. (2021). Optimizing Student Learning Needs and Outcomes with Differentiated Learning. 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    Stimulating Strategy High-order Thinking Skills in Early Childhood Education by Utilizing Traditional Games

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    The education system in the 21st century needs some transformation, particularly in terms of enhancing thinking skills. Traditional games that are well-designed can be an effective strategy for stimulating higher order thinking Skills (HOTS). This research aims to develop active and creative learning models by utilizing traditional games to stimulate HOTS in early childhood. The current study is included in the descriptive-qualitative research. Data was collected using offline and face-to-face interview techniques. 20 teachers took part in this research. The finding illustrates that HOTS can be stimulated from an early age with several conditions, including developing play and learning activities that are well managed, fun, and consider the interests of early childhood. Games that effectively stimulate HOTS such as Dolanan Gatheng, Bekel Ball, Tuk Tuk Geni, Gotah Games, Gundu, and Congklak. Children also need to carry out simple and fun science activities, so they are trained to think and act scientifically and systematically. There are several suggestions regarding opportunities for future research applications. This research only includes traditional games to stimulate HOTS. Other researchers may also consider other innovative methods or other kinds of games that are also effective for increasing HOTS in early childhood. Keywords: higher-order thinking skills, early childhood education, traditional games, active learning References: Adi, B. S., Irianto, D. P., & Sukarmin, Y. (2021). Teachers’ perspectives on motor learning with traditional game approach among early children. Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan, 41(1). https://doi.org/10.21831/cp.v41i1.3684 Alizadeh, F., Hashim, M. N., & Amini, R. (2014). 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    Mapping The Landscape of Childhood Obesity Research: Insights from A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis in Scopus Journals

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    This study aims to determine the development of scientific publications, mapping the scope and theme of publications related to obesity in early childhood published in Scopus-indexed journals from 2013-2023. This study uses the Scopus database which is retrieved using the publish or perish application. From the results of data extraction, 200 articles were obtained with keywords in the article titled Childhood Obesity. This research uses keyword co-occurrence analysis to identify and explore the main fields and topics that appear in publications. The application used to analyze the data is Vos Viewer. Based on the results of the analysis, 7 clusters were obtained. This study provides information to researchers, especially researchers in Indonesia about publication trends related to Childhood obesity. It is hoped that this research can be a foundation for further research, scientific development, and implementation in the fields of early childhood, health, and physical education. Keywords: childhood obesity, early childhood education, bibliometrics. References: An, R. (2020). Projecting the impact of the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic on childhood obesity in the United States: A microsimulation model. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 9(4), 302–312. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jshs.2020.05.006 Biro, F. M., & Wien, M. (2010). Childhood obesity and adult morbidities. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 91(5), 1499S-1505S. Cunningham, S. A., Kramer, M. R., & Narayan, K. M. V. (2014). Incidence of Childhood Obesity in the United States. New England Journal of Medicine, 370(5), 403–411. https://doi.org/10.1056/nejmoa1309753 Famelia, R., Tsuda, E., Bakhtiar, S., & Goodway, J. D. (2018). Relationships among perceived and actual motor skill competence and physical activity in Indonesian preschoolers. Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 6, S403–S423. https://doi.org/10.1123/jmld.2016-0072 Gao, Z., Zeng, N., Pope, Z. C., Wang, R., & Yu, F. (2019). 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    Parental Role: Internalization of the Development of Independent, Disciplined, and Responsible Character Values for Children Aged 5-6 Years

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    Parents play a crucial role in shaping the character of their children, and the character of children is closely tied to the involvement of both parents. This study aims to examine how parents function as educators, motivators, role models, controllers, and providers (facilitators) in cultivating character values, discipline, and responsibility in children. The research was conducted using qualitative methods with a sequential and phenomenological approach. Photovoice, combined with thematic analysis, served as the type and source of data. Data collection involved interviews and observations, with six pairs of parents with 5-6-year-old children participating in the study. The analysis revealed that parents, through their various roles, internalize the development of independent, disciplined, and responsible character values in their children. The study concludes that children aged 5-6 exhibit character values learned through a process of observation and imitation. 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    The Effect of “Si Andi” Flashcard Games on Improving Personal Safety Skills

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    One of the highest and continually increasing phenomena of violence in Indonesia is sexual abuse. The most frequent victims of this phenomenon are early childhood. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of the "SI ANDI - Siap Amankan Diri” (Ready to Protect Yourself) flashcard games on improving personal safety skills in early childhood. This study involved 40 subjects aged 4-6 years, divided into control and experimental groups (n=20 for each group). This research is a quasi-experimental study with a non-equivalent control group design. Assessment of personal safety skills employed the WIST-III instrument. The hypothesis was analyzed using independent sample t-tests. The "SI ANDI" flashcard games program was effective on improving personal safety skills among participants in the experimental group, as evidenced by a statistically significant p-value of sig. 0.000 < 0.005. This finding suggests that the "SI ANDI" flashcard games can be used as an alternative tool for teaching personal safety skills in early childhood.  Further observation is necessary to ascertain the long-term effects of using the "SI ANDI - Siap Amankan Diri" flashcards on the personal safety skills of young children. This is essential for identifying changes that occur over an extended period, providing insight into the sustained impact of the intervention. Keywords: personal safety skills; sexual abuse; early childhood; sex education References: Agudo, J. E., Rico, M., & Sánchez, H. (2016). Design and Assessment of Adaptive Hypermedia Games for English Acquisition in Preschool. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 22(2), 161–179. Agustina, L. S. S., Kusumawati, R. N., & Hardjono. (2022). Edukasi Seks Berbasis Permainan Puzzle untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Perlindungan Diri Anak. 14(2), 49–61. https://doi.org/10.15294/intuisi.v14i2.29575 Akbar, Z., & Mudzdaliffah, F. (2012). 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    Preparing for the School Readiness of Early Childhood by Enhancing the Well-Being and Family Support

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    School readiness during early childhood establishes the fundamental basis for prospective academic achievement, emphasizing the necessity for a comprehensive preparation that encompasses both mental and physical readiness. The current study examines the impact of child well-being and family support on school readiness among young learners. This Study used a correlational quantitative approach, the research involved 139 children between the ages of 4 and 7, along with their parents and 30 teachers selected through purposive sampling based on their socioeconomic status. The participants included 54.7% boys (n=76) and 45.3% girls (n=63) from families with varying income levels – low-income (25%), middle-income (29%), and upper-middle-income (46%). The results of the regression analysis indicated that both family support and child well-being have a significant influence on children's school readiness. Particularly, there is a notable positive association among all factors, a correlation between school readiness and child well-being at 42% (r = 0.420, p < 0.001), highlighting that higher levels of child well-being are linked to increased school readiness. Furthermore, family support exhibits a positive contribution to school readiness at 37% (r = 0.370, p < 0.001). The findings suggest that preparing children for school should extend beyond academic and motor skills development to include substantial psychological support, thus enhancing their ability to thrive in an academic environment. Keywords: early childhood, Emotion, Emotion regulation, parenting, happiness References:  Atkins, R., Deatrick, J. A., Bocage, C., Huc, R., Aromolaran, D., Besseir, E., Hinckson, A., Joseph, M., Kim, D., Lagman, D., Gladsden, V. L., & Lipman, T. H. (2022). School Readiness and Social Determinants of Health: A Collaboration with Community Teachers and Parents. 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    The Development of Early Childhood Naturalist Intelligence through Environmental Education

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    Environmental education exists as a solution to improving the intelligence of early childhood naturalists, but its implementation is often forgotten or only as a hidden curriculum. The purpose of this study is to provide information related to the implementation of environmental education for early childhood to improve the intelligence of early childhood naturalists. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method presented in the form of an in-depth literature review. Literature study efforts are carried out by reading, observing, recognizing, and describing to analyze reading material in the form of related literature as a reference source. The result of this study is that the use of instructional strategies for gardening activities and creative game-based environmental learning can be considered to improve the intelligence of early childhood naturalists. In addition, it was also found that the material often used by educators to improve naturalist intelligence is the introduction of animals and plants. The trend of measuring the intelligence of early childhood naturalists uses many observation sheets, but it is also recommended to use research instruments that have been standardized or published in reputable scientific articles to obtain valid and reliable data. Keywords: environmental education, early childhood, naturalist intelligence   References: Adawiyah, A. S. R., &; Dewinggih, T. (2021). Environmental Education in Early Childhood through the provision of trash cans and simulation methods. Proceedings UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, 1(November), 12–23. https://proceedings.uinsgd.ac.id/index.php/Proceedings Adawiyah, R., Rohyana, F., &; Ashari, M. A. (2019). Development of Naturalist Intelligence through Science-based Project Methods at TK Titipan ilahii rencoong Kelayu Jorong. 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