30439 research outputs found

    El finançament públic al sistema de recerca defineix l’èxit d’un país. Criteris per al seu repartiment.

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    Catalunya és un país que compta amb una xarxa de centres de recerca públics excel·lents, de reconegut prestigi internacional, vertebrats al voltant d’I-CERCA, fundació que els empara i coordina. Aquests 42 centres, anomenats centres CERCA, es troben classificats en 6 àrees temàtiques: Ciències de la vida, Ciencies i matemàtiques, Ciències mèdiques i de la Salut, Ciències socials, Enginyeries i Humanitats. Els centres estan vinculats tant a la pròpia administració de la Generalitat de Catalunya com a alguna de les universitats catalanes. L’activitat al voltant d’aquests centres és en sí un motor econòmic. Empleen més de 16.500 persones, de les quals, 9.000 són personal investigador. Mouen un pressupost anual de més de 800 milions d’euros i han creat més de 200 empreses spin-off. Els resultats d’aquests centres són més que notoris a nivell europeu. En el Programa de recerca H2020, els centres CERCA van participar en més de 1.100 projectes de recerca i van guanyar 211 ajuts atorgats pel Consell Europeu de Recerca (ERC), el qual només finança els projectes més disruptius i innovadors, d’entre aquells que són excel·lents. La participació en el programa H2020 va significar un retorn de 550 milions d’euros pel sistema. Els centres CERCA també estan aconseguint uns resultats fantàstics en el vigent programa europeu de recerca Horizon Europe. En el període 2021-2023, els centres de recerca i les universitats catalanes han captat al voltant de 630 milions d’euros, el qual representa el 3,5% del total dels fons disponibles, amb només un 1,8% de la població. Catalunya és la tercera regió europea en captació de fons i els centres CERCA els tercers a Europa en volum de participació, per darrera dels instituts Helmholtz a Alemanya i els CNRS de França. Els instituts alemanys Fraunhofer i Max Plank queden per darrera els centres CERCA. Però els centres de recerca públics no poden sobreviure únicament en base al finançament competitiu que els aporten aquests i d’altres programes de recerca. És més, l’administració hauria de ser la primera interessada en dotar aquests organismes d’un finançament basal suficient per garantir que els centres puguin abordar nous reptes i línies i mantenir sempre la recerca del país a un nivell d’excel·lència. Sembla evident que el finançament basal dels centres de recerca, donat el seu impacte en el present i en el futur, hauria de distribuir-se utilitzant certs criteris. Podrien ser criteris objectius basats en indicadors del passat, que premiessin aquells centres que millors resultats haguessin aconseguit. O podrien ser criteris subjectius, basats en interessos de país, finançant certs àmbits de recerca per sobre d’altres. Però els criteris han d’existir i han de ser coneguts per tots els actors: els centres i la ciutadania. I s’han de poder explicar. Actualment, el finançament dels centres no respon a cap criteri conegut i evidencia un biaix cap a certs àmbits i un abandonament evident de l’àmbit de les enginyeries, tot i ser Catalunya un país clarament industrialitzat i amb necessitats d’inversió continuada en el sector. Aquest article vol aprofundir en el finançament dels centres públics catalans, demostrant una falta de planificació en l’assignació del finançament basal que, de ben segur, té i tindrà un impacte en el benestar de la nostra societat

    Sensitivity analysis of stability of anti-dip rock slope under fluctuating water level in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area

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    The fluctuation of water levels in large reservoirs has long been recognized as a critical external factor that affects the stability of bank slopes. However, there have been limited studies investigating the influence of reservoir water level (RWL) fluctuation on anti-dip layered rock slopes. In this study, we constructed a conceptual model by selecting the sandstone in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area (TRGA) as the strata and considering variations in strata thickness, strata dip angle, permeability coefficient, RWL fluctuation rate, and slope height. Through seepage-stress field coupled analysis, we obtained the seepage field and groundwater lines, and determined the factor of safety (FoS) using the improved cantilever beam limit equilibrium method. We then investigated the variations of the groundwater line and FoS throughout the entire process of RWL rising and drawdown. Our results indicate that the changes in groundwater levels in the slope clearly lag behind RWL fluctuations, with stability improving during the rising stage but deteriorating during the drawdown stage. Range analysis, using the maximum curvature (MaxCurve) of the groundwater level line as the reference, reveals that the permeability coefficient has the most significant impact on the lagging effect, followed by the fluctuation rate, thickness, and dip angle. Similarly, when considering the amplitude of variation in FoS during the entire process of RWL rising and drawdown as the reference, range analysis shows that the permeability coefficient has the greatest impact on stability variation, followed by the fluctuation rate, thickness, dip angle, and slope height


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    Relevance. The issue of assessing the effectiveness of spending on housing and utility services in Russia remains underexplored. The volume of public funds allocated to the “Housing and Utility Services” sector nationwide has grown 60.2% in 2020 compared to 2016; compared to the total government spending, the increase is from 3.2% in 2016 to 3.7% in 2020. Relatively high government spending on housing and utility services in Russia is associated with numerous sectoral problems – primarily, severe deterioration of fixed assets. The utilities infrastructure continues to deteriorate in literally every region of the country. The goal of this study is to assess the effectiveness of the extended government’s spending on the housing and utility services in the Russian Federation, to develop recommendations for changing the spending structure and volume. The of the study is the budget spending of the extended government of the Russian Federation for housing and utility services. The general research methodology consists of critical analysis and reasoning, a hypothetico-deductive method, case studies, generalization analysis and extrapolation (interpolation) of results. The main findings of the study are as follows: approaches were identified and model tools developed to assess the impact of the volume and structure of government spending on the efficiency of housing and utility services; Russian and international practice of legislative regulation and financing of the housing and utility services sector was analyzed; based on the formulated hypotheses on the conditions and factors affecting the efficiency of the housing and utility services in Russia and abroad, econometric modeling was carried out and the results were interpreted to test the hypotheses; proposals and recommendations were formulated to change the structure and volume of government spending on the housing and utility services. The findings of the study can be used in the interests of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of Russia for the purpose of improving approaches to managing the costs of housing and utility services in the Russian Federation


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    The relevance of the study is determined by the need to analyze the consequences of the concentration of livestock farms, not only from an economic point of view, but also from an environmental one. The objective of the research is to develop ways for sustainable development of animal husbandry in Russia, taking into account the possibilities of continuous growth in production and export of meat and milk, balanced by current environmental problems (growth of farm waste) and the possibilities of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The subject of the research is the environmental indicators characterizing the externalities arising from the production of livestock products (meat, milk, eggs). The work uses traditional scientific methods - descriptive, analytical, statistical and methods of economic and mathematical modeling. The sources of information were Russian and foreign scientific publications, official publications of regulatory documents and statistical data of state authorities of Russia, as well as foreign databases on agricultural statistics. The reported results conclude that the concentration of livestock production facilities leads to different environmental consequences. Among the leading regions specializing in livestock products, the highest concentration is in the Central Black Earth Region: the Belgorod and Kursk regions account for almost 30% of all agricultural waste in Russia. The greenhouse gas emissions were estimated using the GLOBIOM partial equilibrium model. The calculation results showed that Belgorod region has one of the lowest carbon footprint indicators in livestock production: 8 tons of СО2 equiv. per one ton of protein, which is associated with the lowcarbon development of poultry farming. In other regions, which specialize in dairy and beef cattle breeding, the carbon footprint is at least twice as high, for example, in the Krasnodarsky krai; however, the indicators of waste output per unit of production, on the contrary, are lower there. Thus, the scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of scientific and analytical tools for the correct identification of local, regional and global environmental risks when assessing the efficiency of meat, milk and eggs production. So, in our study, local risks were assessed through the concentration of manure (nitrogen) elements per unit of agricultural land and cultivated area at the level of municipalities. Regional risks were assessed through the indicator of waste from agricultural products. And global risks were assessed through an indicator of greenhouse gas emissions, which also allowed us to estimate the so-called cumulative carbon footprint of each region per unit of animal protein produced. Based on the results of the study, recommendations were developed to improve statistical reporting on production waste in the agricultural sector; to differentially collect and publish data on various types of feeding of farm animals in different categories of farms, which will subsequently help to better calculate animal diets and their potential waste and greenhouse gas emissions, in order to identify the most "wasteful” and “sustainable” animal husbandry practices


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    The purpose of the study: substantiation of the role, place and mechanisms of modern economic methods of managing the health of the population of Russia to increase efficiency use of planned and mobilization funds allocated for priority national goals and tactical objectives in the health sector. Research methods and methodology: management theory, concepts of social sciences, methodology of public health, methods of medical statistics, economic and mathematical modeling of social processes, risk management tools, evaluating the effectiveness of development projects, quality management standards. Research results can be used for: − Medical and demographic prognostic examination of the factors of formation healthy lifestyle of the older generation of Russia, − Drafting of interdepartmental information exchange regulations information on medical and social security of the elderly, − Qualitative improvement of the standards of preventive and rehabilitation work with citizens of older gender and age groups, − Refinements of medium-term programs of measures for medical examination pensioners. − The practical significance of the study is due to: − Development of practical tools for budgeting facilities health care according to national health priorities (cancer care, cardiovascular disease, primary health care with preventive measures, etc.) at the expense of budgets and CHI. Systematization of the competencies of federal government bodies that have administrative regulations (orders, rules) for the regulation of health measures in the departmental system of managing social processes of the development of society, and as well as regional public health authorities, including the work regional project office


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    The work resulted in theoretical developments for the study of the spatial aspects of the latest practices in live arts, as well as the identification of social and cultural contexts that are key to the history of art in situ in Russia. The negative aesthetics of theatrical events mastering non-theatrical spaces: streets, foyers, roofs, squares, natural landscapes open up the possibility of analyzing the theatrical process and its auto-reflective function. Theatrical and performative events turn out to be closely integrated into such social processes as cultural democratization (inclusion of more and more new groups in the processes of cultural interactions), commemoration (the creation of new rituals and narratives for memory and preservation of cultural heritage), as well as in the processes of creating and drawing attention to the public spaces of a modern city. We believe that a necessary step for the development of the theory of contemporary art is the inclusion of a cross-disciplinary understanding of the object of study, in which live performing arts, installation arts, visual arts, video and audio experiments in exhibition projects would be considered together and thus the ideas and concepts of post-structuralist cultural criticism could be applicable to the contemporary art process.&nbsp

    Working Capital Management Practices and Financial Performance in Kenya

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    Gross working capital and net working capital are the two components that can be used to establish the working capital concept. Between current liabilities and current assets, there is a difference called net working capital. Accounts receivable, cash, and inventory are examples of current assets because they are easily convertible into cash; on the other hand, current liabilities are those that are owed to the company right away, such as accounts payable, bills payable, and other financial instruments. This paper appraises the interactions between working capital management in terms of cash, inventories, receivables, and payables management in relation to financial performance. The study also highlights two theories relating to working capital management: the liquidity preference theory and the cash conversion cycle. The study concludes that different working capital components have varying effects on the financial performance of manufacturing enterprises. Some studies reveal a favorable association between the components of working capital, whereas others reveal a detrimental relationship

    Effects of Internal Control Components on Revenue Generation among Corporations in Kenya

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    Most businesses have underperformed due to the ever-changing environmental forces that affect the operation of commercial enterprises. Strong internal control systems are necessary for the institutions to implement sound revenue collection practices. Regarding the link between internal control systems and revenue generation, actual research in this area is scarce. The main objective of this research was to determine the effects of internal control components on revenue generation in Kenyan companies. The specific objectives focused on the effects of control environments, risk assessment, and control activities in Kenya. Agency theory and stewardship theory will serve as the study’s foundation. The study engaged in a literature review approach to find out whether there is a direct relationship between the internal control components and revenue generation. The study reached the conclusion that budgets heavily rely on revenue collection, which is essential to financial management. According to the report, management should continuously improve internal control procedures to keep the system current with expanding operational capability, regular internal training, and employee development

    Analysis of the effect of e-commerce increase on inflation

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    The anti-pandemic restrictions of recent years fueled an explosive growth of e-commerce in goods and services in Russia and worldwide. Therefore, the issue of macroeconomic consequences of the process of e-commerce growth is relevant. The subject of this research is economic transformation under the influence of the spread of e-commerce. The study aims to identify key theoretical mechanisms of how development of e-commerce influences main economic indicators, including inflation. It is based on the methods of generalization, systematization, descriptive and graphical analysis. According to the results of the study, e-commerce most notably influences aggregate factor productivity, the cost of production factors, consumer welfare, international trade volume and the cost of information for consumers. The study concludes that e-commerce causes predominantly downward pressure on prices and inflation, regardless of the mechanism of influence, because of a decrease in production and transport costs, reduction in the corporate monopoly power, and better product variety. This conclusion is also confirmed by some empirical countrywide studies. The scientific novelty of the research lies in systematization of the channels via which e-commerce influences various spheres of the economy. The study recommends considering the factor of downward pressure while conducting Russian monetary policy in the condition of continued e-commerce spread. A promising area of further research is the empirical verification of identified theoretical mechanisms of influence based on the data on e-commerce development in Russian regions.&nbsp


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    The aim of the study is to identify the features of lifestyle and social practices in the spheres of consumption, leisure and social interactions, implemented by various groups of the population in conditions of instability. Informational base of the study is questionnaire surveys, held in 2021-2022, each of which was conducted based on all over Russia representative sample. The review of theoretical and conceptual developments allowed to classify main approaches to understanding of lifestyle in social sciences. The analysis of empirical data produced the opportunity to examine online consumption practices settled in the post pandemic period and specifics of consumption in conditions of new 2022 risks. Models and limitations of implementing leisure practices were studied. There were studied the specifics of social interactions system including in the context of its resource significance from the point of view of adaptational tasks


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