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    135 research outputs found

    Application of Inquiry Learning Method in English Language Learning

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    The purpose of this article review is to analysis the role of inquiry learning models in English learning outcomes. In this study, the researcher applied the inquiry learning model with the literature review method of journals from the last five years as the research orientation to determine the effectiveness of the learning model in improving the quality of students' English learning at school. The data used in this study are national scientific articles from 2018 to 2023. The author identified 17 articles and selected seven of them for analysis. The results of the literature study show that the inquiry learning model has a significant impact on improving English language learning outcomes in schools. The effect of inquiry learning can be seen in the learners' improvement in English comprehension. Keywords: English language, learning outcomes, Inquiry learnin

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Teams Games Tournament Berbantuan Media Visual Word Search Puzzle Terhadap Hasil Belajar Bahasa Indonesia

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    Masalah dalam penelitian adalah rendahnya hasil belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis adanya pengaruh dan perbedaan yang signifikan pada penggunaan model pembelajaran teams games tournament berbantuan media visual word search puzzle terhadap hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis metode penelitian eksperimen. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu non-equivalent control group design.Sampel dalam penelitian peserta didik kelas V dengan jumlah 17 orang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah uji regresi linier sederhana. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa fhitung=15,66 ≥ ftabel=4,54. Berdasarkan analisis data yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran teams games tournament berbantuan media visual word search puzzle terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia

    Kepemimpinan Instruksional Kepala Sekolah Literature Review

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    Abstract: Principal Instructional Leadership; Literature Review. This study uses the Literature review method which aims to determine how much the role of the principal in the success of instructional leadership. The samples used in this study were 24 journals consisting of national and international journals. The results of this study show that the role of the principal as a school leader is very important in instructional leadership because the principal as a school leader holds a position that has a big role in maintaining and improving the quality of learning in schools. In addition, teachers' teaching performance can be improved by improving principals' performance. It can be concluded that the principal's instructional leadership is an effective leadership. Keywords: principal instructional leadership; literature review Abstrak: Kepemimpinan Instruksional Kepala Sekolah; Literature Review. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Literature review yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar peran kepala sekolah dalam keperhasilan kepemimpinan instuksional. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu sebanyak 24 jurnal yang terdiri dari jurnal nasional dan internasional. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa peran kepala sekolah sebagai pemimpin sekolah sangat penting dalam kepemimpinan instruksional karena kepala sekolah sebagai pemimpin sekolah memegang posisi yang memiliki peran besar dalam menjaga dan meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran di sekolah. Selain itu, kinerja mengajar guru dapat ditingkatkan dengan meningkatkan kinerja kepala sekolah. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kepemimpinan instruksional kepala sekolah merupakan kepemimpinn yang efektif. Kata kunci: kepemimpinan instruksional, literature revie

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru: Systematic Literature Review

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    Abstrak: Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja GuruKepemimpinan menjadi salah satu hal yang harus dimiliki oleh kepala sekolah. Guru memiliki peran penting dalam pendidikan. Kinerja guru pun perlu ditingkatkan. kepala sekolah memainkan peran penting dalam membentuk sekolah, terutama dalam mendorong tingkat kemandirian kelembagaan yang lebih tinggi. Tujuan dari penulisan artikel ini menganalisis kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru. Penelitian yang digunakan penulis adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode Systematic Literature Review (SLR) jenis descriptive review. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan data sekunder yang berasal dari artikel ilmiah nasional dalam rentang tahun 2019 hingga 2023. Basis data yang digunakan yaitu Google Scholar. Kata kunci yang digunakan yaitu, kepala sekolah, kepemimpinan, kinerja guru. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: Hasil reviu menunjukan bahwa kepemimpinan kepala sekolah secara positif dapat meningkatkan kinerja guru melalui fungsi manajemen yang tepat, aplikasi gaya kepemimpinan yang sesuai dan juga pemberian motivasi kepada guru. Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan, adanya keterbatasan metode yang dilakukan dalam studi yang dilakukan dan juga perlunya pengembangan keilmuan yang signifikan untuk studi lebih lanjut dalam bidang kepemimpinan kepala sekolah. Kata kunci:  kepala sekolah, kepemimpinan, kinerja gur

    Pembuat Keputusan Kepala Sekolah

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    Abstract: Principal Decision Maker. Decision making is important in determining policy or a problem. there are times when the principal is well received by the teacher, there are times when he is not. The principal's decision is well received, marked by support for the decision and the responsibility of teachers and staff in carrying out the decisions made. Acceptance of a decision is very dependent on the readiness and ability of the teacher and staff as the implementer of the decision. Of course, before making a decision, we must know the style of decision and the stages before making a decision. The method used to write this article is literature review, which first collects research papers that are relevant to decision making in the form of books, journals obtained from Google Scholar, and other sources. The principal's decision-making points to ideas that can solve problems in ways that make it more acceptable to all parties. First, the problem must be well known and formulated, while the solution must be based on selecting the best alternative among existing alternatives. Decision making in the implementation process must pay attention to the effectiveness of the decision making, so that there is compatibility between the problems faced and the solutions to the problems taken.Keywords: Decision-making, Leadership, Principal

    Peran Supervisi Akademik Kepala Madrasah dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru A Literature Review

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    Abstract: The Role of Academic Supervision of the Head of Madrasah in Improving Teacher Performance. In the current era of globalization, this study seeks to investigate how the role of supervision can improve the performance of madrasah teachers. According to the study's findings, the leadership of the head supervisor of madrasah heads is essential for student character development and improving teacher performance, encouraging reforms to improve education standards, and improving learning effectiveness. The need to build supervisory leadership in madrasah can be determined using a scale that has been created by several studies to assess the leadership skills of the supervisory role of madrasah administrators. It is recommended that madrasah managers pay attention to the leadership role of supervisors in fostering student character development, fostering change, and improving teacher performance in order to improve the level of education and success of madrasah.Keywords: Academic, Head of Madrasah, Leadership Supervision role

    Manajemen Guru Sebagai Sumber Daya Manusia di Sekolah

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    Abstract: Teacher Management as Human Resources in SchoolsThe purpose of writing this article is that the writer wants to analyze what procedures need to be carried out in implementing teacher management as human resources in schools. The low quality of teachers and the quality of education in schools makes human resource management (MSDM) necessary for every educational institution. The research used by the author is descriptive research using the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method of descriptive review. The data used in this study is secondary data derived from national scientific articles in the range of 2017 to 2022. The database used is Google Scholar. The keywords used are teachers, human resource management, procedures, schools. The writer identified 67 articles and selected 25 of them for analysis. The results of the literature study found 11 articles that match the criteria and objectives of this study. The results of this study are: human resource management procedures in schools that can be applied, namely: program planning, recruitment and selection, teacher placement, training and development, teacher performance evaluation or assessment, and compensation. Keywords: teacher, human resource management, schoo

    The Effect of Mindmapping-Based Lecture Methods Assisted by Crossword Puzzles on Short Term Memory in View of Students' Visual Type Learning Styles in Class VII Civics Subjects at SMPN 1 Boyolangu

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    Abstract: The Effect of the Mindmapping-based Lecture Method assisted by Crosswords on Short Term Memory in terms of the Visual Type Learning Styles of students in Civics Class VII Subject at SMPN 1 Boyolangu. This research is motivated by the application of the lecture method by Civics teachers at SMPN 1 Boyolangu which is still conventional and does not really follow the development of students in the current era. As a result, students feel bored and bored because learning is less interesting and more varied. As a result, now students become less responsive and tend to choose silence without any desire to respond to every question asked by the teacher, besides that students also look quite difficult or unable to remember clearly if asked to convey their own ideas about what is being taught. The research method used is the Pre-Experimental Design type One Shot Case Study. The population in this study were 398 students. The sample used was 76 students from class VII A and B at SMPN 1 Boyolangu. Data collection uses tests and questionnaires while hypothesis testing goes through several stages such as instrument testing, prerequisite testing and data analysis. The results of the study were obtained if the mindmapping-based lecture method assisted by crossword puzzles on students' short term memory in terms of the visual learning styles of class VII students of SMPN 1 Boyolangu had an effect simultaneously or partially with positive significance. So that it can be concluded that if this method is applied in learning Civics subjects it will further encourage student enthusiasm in learning and be able to increase short term memory more sharply when absorbing information conveyed in the teacher's learning process of Civics subjects.

    Analisis Manajemen Sarana Prasarana Laboratorium Vokasional Teknik Elektro Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

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    Abstrak: Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan mengenai manajemen laboratorium yang tepat di program studi Pendidikan Vokasional Teknik Elektro Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa dan faktor penghambat pengelolaan fasilitas laboratorium vokasional teknik elektro. Metodologi penelitian ini adalah studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Tempat penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Vokasional Teknik Elektro Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Hasil temuan dari penelitian ini adalah perencanaan laboratorium dilaksanakan melalui 2 prosedur yaitu analisis kebutuhan dan penentuan skala prioritas. Struktur organisasi yang dibentuk berdasarkan pemilihan oleh ketua program studi yang dibuat berdasarkan kompetensi di setiap personil. Dalam pelaksanaan di laboratorium vokasional teknik elektro berupa penggunaan laboratorium, penyediaan bahan dan peralatan, serta peminjaman alat. Pengawasan peralatan di area laboratorium dilaksanakan dengan menjadikan kartu identitas sebagai jaminan.   Kata kunci: manajemen, peralatan, laboratorium, vokasional, teknik elektro.

    Analisis Metode Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akademik Berbasis Web: Systematic Literatur Review

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    Perkembanganteknologi saaat ini semakin berkembang dengan pesat. Teknologi informasi dibutuhkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari bagi masyarakat yang berfungsi untuk membantu pekerjaan agar menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Pengembangan information systems memiliki metode platform yang berbeda-bedadengan berbasis pada mobile dan web. Tujuan dari penelitian untuk mengetahui metode information systems yang umumnya digunakan berbasis web dan datanya didapatkan oleh literatur yang relevan dari tahun 2018 sampai 2022. Metode dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan System Literature Review (SLR). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode-metode yang digunakan dalam pengembangan information systems bebasis web pada tahun 2018 sampai 2022 yaitu ada lima, diantaranya metode waterfall, metode rapid application development (RAD), metode rational unified process (RUP), metode prototype, dan metode research and development (RnD). Sedangkan implementasi pada akademik dengan menggunakan metode perancangan sistem berdampak baik dan informasi menjadi lebih mudah digunakan serta proses pekerjaan lebih akurat.Kata kunci: Perancangan Sistem Informasi, Akademik, Websit


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