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    242 research outputs found

    Utilitarian Policy of Criminalization for the COVID-19 Vaccine Refusal in Indonesia

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    This article aims to analyze several issues of the implementation of the regulation of vaccination in Indonesia, encompassing the issues of the imposition of criminalization following the vaccination refusal, discussion on its objective, and practical challenges that potentially emerge. As qualitative research, this article employed a normative legal approach and social contextualization to comprehend regulations, legal interpretations, and arguments. This article finds that the government has amended the Presidential Regulation No. 99 of 2020 on the Procurement and Implementation of Vaccination to the Presidential Regulation No. 14 of 2021 on the Change of the Presidential Regulation No. 99 of 2020 in dealing with the issue of punishment imposed on those refusing the vaccination. From the perspective of utilitarian humanism, the regulation aims to ensure the success of the vaccination and is expected to result in the herd immunity of society that determines the social welfare in the country. The implementation of the regulation is being criticized on the practical level because it is claimed to raise the likelihood of the violation of human rights and overlook the public trust on account of excessive criminalization. This article argues that support from society is vital in the implementation of the regulation, while a positive campaign over public vaccinations need to be massively urged

    Legal Clarity for Sharia Lodging Businesses through Sharia Certification

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    The development of the Sharia business in Indonesia has become the most potential business not only in Islamic banking but also the non-Islamic bank financial industries, such as Islamic insurance, Islamic pension funds, Islamic finance companies, Islamic bonds (sukuk), Islamic mutual funds, and even Islamic lodging. This phenomenon makes the Sharia "label" as a trend. This research aims to analyze the urgency of Sharia certification in the Sharia lodging business in Indonesia. The method used is a type of normative legal research with statutory approaches, case approaches, and conceptual approaches. The results of this study indicate that the urgency of Sharia certification in the Sharia lodging business is to maintain the image of Islamic teachings and to provide certainty to consumers. This is because the application of Sharia in business institutions bearing the Sharia label still shows that the concept of Sharia understood by these business institutions still seems partial/not kaffah (total). Besides that, the Sharia "label" in the lodging business is used mostly as a brand or company brand. Therefore, it is high time for Sharia lodging certification to be carried out, like the halal label certificate on food product

    Historical Study of the Neutrality Arrangements of the State Civil Apparatus in General Elections in Indonesia

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    This research aims to determine the neutrality regulations of civil servants in general elections. To achieve this goal, analysis was carried out on secondary data or library materials consisting of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. To complete secondary data, interviews were conducted with sources consisting of experts in the field of civil service law and general elections, as well as practitioners such as the State Civil Service Agency, the State Civil Service Commission, and the General Election Supervisory Agency of the Republic of Indonesia. This research applied a statute approach and combined it with a historical approach and a conceptual approach. The results of the research showed that from 1966 until now, the regulation of the neutrality of the State Civil Service in general elections has undergone changes in the subject and object of its regulation. However, this arrangement has not been able to guarantee the neutrality of the State Civil Service in general elections. This is inseparable from the political system, which does not yet support the realization of neutrality of the State Civil Service in General Elections

    ICC Jurisdiction: Against Israeli War and Humanitarian Crimes Targeting Palestinian Civilians 2023

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    The article explains the jurisdictional policy of the International Criminal Court (ICC) regarding Israeli war crimes targeting Palestinian civilians, during the attack on Gaza on October 7, 2023. The article shows that based on articles of the Rome Statute, Israel committed war crimes and crimes against humanity that occurred on October 7, 2023.  therefore, the ICC has authority in this matter. ICC policy towards conflict 7 October 2023, ICC jurisdiction took action to continue the investigative process and will accelerate investigations related to the conflict, while Israel in 2024 and the latest update is not part of the non-member states of the ICC. However, given the jurisdiction of the ICC, it has jurisdiction regarding its investigations in countries that are not parties to the ICC. This is influenced by several factors in upholding the ICC's jurisdictional investigation law against Israeli criminals even though Israel is not an ICC member state: First, Palestine is a state party to the ICC which is supposed to provide justice for civil society. Second, there is pressure and encouragement from member countries and non-member countries of the ICC to carry out investigations regarding the conflict attack in October 2023

    Digitalization of Islamic Banking in Indonesia: Justification and Compliance to Sharia Principles

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    Technological sophistication is observed to be increasing the necessity for digitalization of Islamic banks in Indonesia to avoid being abandoned by their customers, as conventional banks rapidly advance their digital offerings and set higher expectations for financial services. However, these banks are required to comply with Sharia principles for their products and services. This study was conducted to analyze the justification of digitalization of Islamic banking system and compliance of the digital services implemented to Sharia principles. It employed doctrinal legal study methods. Data were retrieved from literature references and were analysed qualitatively using a conceptual and statutory approach. The results showed several reasons to justify digitalization of Islamic banking system and these include the current demand for digital products and services, the prevalence of the millennial generation, and the legal backing provided for the advancement in Indonesia. These principles mandate that Islamic banks must avoid practices involving maisir (gambling), gharar (obscurity), haram (prohibited activities), riba (usury), and zalim (injustice). This study is novel in its comprehensive analysis of how digitalization can be harmonized with Sharia principles in the Indonesian context, providing a unique legal and practical framework for Islamic banks aiming to modernize their services while maintaining religious compliance

    Construction of Criminal Policies for Handling Football Riots in the Kanjuruhan Tragedy

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    Even though conflicts between supporters caused the majority of the riots, other factors were no less important. Specifically, those related to the organization of football matches that were not yet professional could not guarantee security or order. The incident at Kanjuruhan Stadium serves as a significant reminder that hosting football matches without prioritizing proper safety measures and collaborative procedures will undoubtedly fail to promote fair competition in line with the principles of organizing sporting events that uphold sportsmanship, fair play, and respect. This paper is compiled through normative research by prioritizing secondary data that focuses on statutory and case approach, which are collected and analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. The results shows that the legal construction used in carrying out security by the Police in the Kanjuruhan Tragedy refers to the Regulation of the Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2009 on the Use of Force in Police Action while after the Kanjuruhan Tragedy, the Police compiled a new legal construction, the Republic of Indonesia National Police Regulation Indonesia Number 10 of 2022 on Security for the Implementation of Sports Competitions which can be used specifically in securing the implementation of football in Indonesi

    Musyarakah Mutanaqisah: Strengthening Islamic Financing in Indonesia and Addressing Murabahah Vulnerabilities

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    The article analyses to examine the practice of murabahah and musyarakah mutanaqisah financing in sharia banking in Indonesia. Islamic finance plays an important role in the Indonesian economy, contributing to financial inclusion and encouraging ethical practices and sharia compliance. Among the various Islamic financing models, musyarakah mutanaqisah has become famous as an alternative to conventional financing methods. The aticle method used is qualitative research with secondary data and doctrinal legal study methods. This article uses sustainable product innovation, modernization, and compliance with sharia principles. The results of the article found that the implementation of murabahah has several weaknesses, including: it is considered not in accordance with sharia, the nature of the contract is fixed, the down payment for sharia housing loans by murabahah is high, it is based on sharia, and cannot be used for refinancing, takeovers, and securing assets. The advantages of musyarakah mutanaqisah can be a solution to murabahah's weaknesses, because musyarakah mutanaqisah is safe according to sharia, suitable for long-term financing, down payments for sharia mortgages by musyarakah mutanaqisah are low, and according to sharia, musyarakah mutanaqisah can also be used for refinancing, takeovers and securing assets

    The Phenomenon of Divorce during the Election Period in the Perspective of Islamic Law

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    This article delved into the perspectives of Islamic law about the divorce phenomena as it pertains to the election period. This phenomenon has been the subject of very little research about Islamic law. Legal anthropology brings an Islamic and conceptual studies perspective to this study technique. Consequently, this study aims to provide an Islamic perspective on these events and analyze them from a legal Islamic perspective. This article explained that ikhtilaf happened throughout the Islamic culture. During the election period, societal shifts inside the family led to the dissolution of the marriage. Since political opinions do not constitute nusyuz against the spouse, Muslims are free to have differing views on this matter. Only in religious issues is a woman bound to obey her husband. Thus, divorce is forbidden in Islam because of disparities in personal decisions. This study is expected to provide the groundwork for Islamic law and help families work through disagreements over political candidates during election period

    Illicit Enrichment in Corruption Eradication in Indonesia: A Future Strategy

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    Corruption crimes in Indonesia are on the rise, particularly through illicit enrichment where individuals accumulate wealth outside of legitimate income. Although Indonesia has ratified the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), the specific issue of illicit enrichment outlined in Article 20 has yet to be implemented in national legislation. This article aims to investigate current and potential future strategies to combat such corruption.  The research is a normative study using a comparative law approach and corpus-based critical analysis to assess Indonesia's anti-corruption efforts, explore the international standards set by illicit enrichment regulations, and draw lessons from the unexplained wealth laws in the United Kingdom and Australia. This research concludes that Indonesia has ratified UNCAC, but illicit enrichment in Article 20 of UNCAC has not been regulated in the law, so the practice of corruption is still so massive. To overcome this, strategic steps are needed in the future, such as revising the corruption law to include illicit enrichment regulations, optimizing institutions through bureaucratic reform, and activating community participation. Therefore, these three steps are very important in implementing the Illicit Enrichment regulation in advancing the corruption eradication agenda in Indonesia in the future

    Social Reintegration after the Implementation of Restorative Justice in the Indonesian Criminal Code

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    The current criminal code has been in force in Indonesia since 1918. Indonesia formulated criminal law reform in 1963 and in 2023, a law on the national criminal code was issued. The spirit of the Indonesian criminal code is reformative, progressive, and responsive to changes to the law. One of the strengths of criminal law is regulating criminal law from the perspective and achievement of justice to repair and restore the situation after the event and judicial process known as restorative justice. The desire to strengthen restorative justice programs takes a long time and is complicated. This research aims to analyze the development of the concept of social reintegration through the application of restorative justice in the criminal justice process. This research was conducted qualitatively using secondary data and doctrinal legal study methods. The results showed that changes in criminal law arrangements caused opinion differences since restorative programs are widely used as a substitute for traditional and retributive approaches. The application of restorative justice in national criminal law must be implemented. Social reintegration in the implementation of restorative justice as regulated in the Criminal Code can be successful through commitment and collaboration between the community, government and law enforcement official


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